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How To Politely Tell Someone To Clean Up After Themselves?

2K views · Nov 10, 2020
A filthy environment is a place nobody likes to be in. No matter who you are and how much you hate cleaning up, anything can get up to a point where you have to start tidying up the place – but some people take a little bit longer to go past that threshold. So, this is how it’s done: 1. Lead by example The very first thing you should do when you want people to clean up after themselves is to clean up after yourself! 2. Be kind A short explanation could be the difference between being living in filth and having a clean room. For example: “Look, I don’t want to be the bad guy here but we need to keep things clean” 3. Keep things non-confrontational Think about it like this: You have to ring the bell before you decide to kick the door down. 4. Don’t make it about someone specifically In order to keep things non-confrontational, you need to avoid addressing people specifically. You want to avoid things like “you’re always leaving a mess” or “you never clean anything”. 5. Make it about uncleanliness in general Try to make a point about the situation in general and avoid pointing fingers. You don’t want to come off as passive-aggressive, you want to sound neutral. 6. Explain why cleaning up is important For example, if the kitchen is a mess, you can explain why it’s important to keep plates, knives, and the like as clean as possible at all times. 7. Prepare a basic speech if you’d like, but don’t go over-prepared You don’t want to perform a monologue; you’re simply asking someone to clean up their mess. Be kind, be non-confrontational, and be brief.
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