Survey Result: Is It Rude to Ask Someone Their Age?

Is It Rude to Ask Someone Their Age

Some questions tend to make people uncomfortable and can have the same effect no matter which country you’re in. Asking someone about their age is one of those. If you feel that asking someone about their age might make them uncomfortable, don’t do it. We surveyed people in the United States to assess whether they … Read more

Survey Result: Is It Rude To Not Say ‘Bless You’?

is it rude to not say bless you

AAAAA-CHOO! And there you are, in an instant etiquette quandary. Do you say, as is traditional, “Bless You!”? Maybe, maybe not. As it turns out, a lot of us are unsure about whether or not to say, “Bless You.” We don’t wish to offend, but we’re not sure what to say if anything. Our Survey … Read more

Survey Result: Is It Rude To Block Someone?

is it rude to block someone

Sometimes people get on our nerves, and we want to block their messages. These can be former work colleagues, lovers, or strangers who want to spam us with advertising. Messenger apps or social media sites allow us to block other users. Our survey shows that the use of this function is perfectly fine for most … Read more

Survey Results: Is It Rude To Ask Someone Their Pronouns?

is it rude to ask someone their pronouns

Most Millenials first learned about the concept of gender pronouns when in college. It was an exciting concept that we had never really thought about before. Things have changed now. There has been a massive social transformation, and gender-neutral etiquette is now a part of elementary school education. The idea that someone’s gender may not … Read more

Survey Results: Is It Rude To Ask How Someone Died?

is it rude to ask how someone died

When you hear that someone who you’ve known for years has died, you could experience a range of emotions. These include confusion, anger, and grief, which can even make them question the way that they look at life. While trying to cope with what you’re feeling after learning of their death, you might ask questions. … Read more

Survey Results: Is It Rude To Leave Someone On Read?

is it rude to leave someone on read

Many people nowadays use apps that allow them to communicate with each other via messaging. Although these apps allow individuals to communicate instantly, they don’t support the depth of understanding that’s possible with face-to-face communication. Things that we sometimes take for granted, such as assuming somebody knows that we’ve read their messages, can lead to … Read more

Survey Results: Is It Rude To Wear A Hat Indoors?

is it rude to wear a hat indoors

Whether you wear hats frequently or only do so on occasion, you may be wondering whether it’s rude to wear them indoors. We asked ourselves the same question and thus launched a survey on how people nowadays feel about wearing hats indoors. Survey Results In our recent survey conducted in the United States, we asked … Read more

Is It Rude To Call Someone Buddy?

Is It Rude To Call Someone Buddy

People will often call a stranger buddy when they’re at the park, the beach, or even a gas station. But, is it rude to call someone “Buddy” / “Pal”? The term buddy has a positive connotation for most people and can therefore be used in many situations without any problems if you are close to … Read more

Is It Rude To Call A Guy “Cute”?

is it rude to call a guy cute

Calling a guy cute may seem like a friendly or flirty way to refer to someone – but is it really that way? Perhaps, calling someone cute has other implications you’re not aware of. Nine out of ten times, you’re all clear when you call a guy cute. The word itself is hardly ever considered … Read more

Is It Rude To Call Someone Cheap?

is it rude to call someone cheap

Do you have a friend, or relative, who is just plain . . . cheap? We all know frugal people, but that is a different situation. “Frugal” is usually a person who spends sparingly or is careful to observe economies. But should you tell someone directly that they are cheap? “Cheap” has a negative connotation, … Read more