When someone requests something, and you tell them that you do not mind and are amenable to the situation, then you have now created a form of responsibility for yourself.

For example, if someone says, “I have a date night tomorrow with my husband, could you watch my children for a few hours?” If you reply with, “Sure! I don’t mind at all,” then you have created a verbal agreement with that person.
Not all requests are as starkly exchange-based, but most are, and you should be aware of any expectations before letting the other person know that you do not mind.
The best way to respond when you don’t mind is to match up in tone with your interlocutor, add conditions, outline the boundaries of your acceptance and point out qualifiers when needed.
A large number of situations where you do not mind will involve helping others with something. There is a vulnerability to asking someone for help, so if a person comes to you needing assistance and you do not mind providing it, then you want to make sure the way that you relay this to them does not sound mocking, condescending, or dismissive.
Using colloquialisms during professional exchanges is one thing to avoid, as it often comes off appearing as if you do not care enough to use formal speech. This will be discussed more in the next section.
Contextual Clues
When responding to a request for assistance, you will want to use contextual clues to make sure that what you say matches up in tone with that used by the person speaking with you. If they are formal in the way they ask the question, you should be the same in your response.
This is the case inside or outside of professional settings. The main reason for this is that there can sometimes be awkwardness with people asking for something, and the best way to get rid of that tension is to react with a similar type of language.
If someone asked, “I am having an incredibly stressful week. Would you please help me out at work until things settle down,” and you reply with “Sure, whatever,” then they might take that as dismissive instead of friendly.
A better way to respond would be, “Thank you for reaching out. I would be glad to assist you at work this week,” which would relay that you care, do not mind helping them, and clarify that this does not mean you will help them indefinitely.
Clarification of Vague Requests
It is important to note that if someone asks for something and is rather vague about it, you should get an explanation before providing unconditional acceptance. This is because you may give them the impression that you agree to something that you did not realize was part of their appeal.
There are several ways to ask for clarification. Here are a few easy ones that fit with most situations, whether they are formal or informal.
“Can you please clarify that for me?” [once they clarify if you still do not mind] “Thank you for explaining. I don’t mind in the slightest.”
“I’m not sure what you mean. Could you explain a bit more?” [after they have explained if you still agree] “That’s not a problem at all. Thank you for clarifying for me.”
Personal Setting
The language can be more informal in a private setting. These types of situations are incredibly common in everyday social interactions.
For example, your sibling may say something like, “Could you move your car, I need to go” and you could reply with “Sure” which in this context means the same thing as “I don’t mind at all.”
There are many ways to tell someone that you do not mind from single-word verbal responses to non-verbal cues.
Here are a few ways to express that you do not mind in casual personal interactions. Colloquialisms are used extensively to express this particular sentiment in everyday conversations.
- “Not a problem.” or “Not a problem. Help yourself.”
- “Sure thing.” or “Sure.”
- “I don’t care.” (said with a positive tone of voice)
- “Yes, of course.”
- “Go ahead.”
- “I would be happy to.”
- “Gladly.”
- “Whatever.” (said in a positive tone of voice)
Professional Setting
In most professional settings, you will want to use courtesy responses and polite language. It is also incredibly important that you are concise and crystal clear on the consequences of whatever they are requesting.
Even if you do not mind that they are doing it or want you to do it, there should still be a motivation to ensure everyone is on the same page.
Utilizing “please” and “thank you” during professional interactions is ideal. Here are some examples of ways you can tell coworkers or other people in formal situations that you do not mind.
“I must say that I feel perfectly alright with that, but if you could please elaborate, I would feel more comfortable.” [after they have clarified] “Thank you very much. I do not mind in the slightest.”
“Please, go ahead, I do not mind.”
“Thank you for asking, I do not mind at all.” or “Thank you for asking, that is not a problem at all.”
When Explicit Actions are Involved
You may find yourself in a situation where you are asked to do a particular duty, or someone is asking to be able to perform a very specific task. Because of the focused nature of these actions, it is better to be clearer in your response.
For example, if a friend asks, “Can I borrow your lawnmower,” you would reply, “No problem. You can borrow my lawnmower for today.” That response implies that they only have permission to do that action at the time that they asked.
This means that if they want to borrow the lawnmower again a week later, they will need to ask again. This is a great way to stop misunderstandings and to keep people from taking advantage of your kindness.
The best way to respond in these cases is by parroting back their request, but by adding on that, it is alright in that instance, much like the scenario above. This lets them know that you do not mind, but that you would like to be asked again before they do the action a second time.
Below are a few more examples of sample interactions.
Their request: “Would you file my paperwork; I’m running late for guitar practice?”
Your response: “I don’t mind filing your paperwork this once. Have fun!”
Their request: “Could I borrow some money, my rent’s a bit short this month.”
Your response:“Sure. I don’t mind helping you with rent this month.”
Their request: “I’m going to take a nap. Will you wake me up in five minutes?”
Your response: “No problem. I will wake you up in five minutes.”
Blanket Permission
Blanket permission is the concept that once you have told someone that you “don’t mind” about a specific topic or situation, they are no longer required to ask a second time. This is usually explicitly stated at the outset.
For example, “Can I have a banana?” could be responded to with “you’re my guest, help yourself to anything in the kitchen” this has an implied consent for the person to eat other foods without having to ask every time while also responding to the initial question.
Here are a few examples of blanket permission implying that you do not mind.
Their request: “Can I play with your Legos?”
Your response: “Of course, and you can play with any of my toys whenever you want.”
Their request: “I’m cold, can I borrow a blanket?”
Your response: “No need to ask again. You can borrow a blanket anytime.”
Their request: “Can I borrow one of your DVDs?”
Your response: “You can borrow any DVD in the living room whenever you want.”
Adding a Qualifier
There are various ways to tell someone that you do not mind. We will go over all of them in this article, but the first thing to know is that by telling someone that you do not mind, you are accepting whatever conditions were involved with their initial request unless you add on a qualifier.
Most social interactions involve some form of giving and take, and this is undoubtedly one of them. Adding a qualifier means you are both benefiting from the situation.
Below are examples of how you can add qualifiers to your statements, letting them know that you do not mind.
Their request: “Can I borrow your bike?”
Your Response: “I don’t mind, as long as you make sure you put it back where you got it before you leave.”
Their request: “Would you mind if I took a picture of your dog. He is so adorable.”
Your Response: “Sure, as long as you send me a copy.”
Their request: “The boss said I should do these reports, but I think I’m missing something. Could you take a look for me?”
Your Response: “I would be more than happy to take a look at these reports for you if you go get me a cup of coffee while I do it.”
Saying You Do Not Mind When You Actually Do Mind
Once you have told someone that you do not mind if they do something or you do not mind doing something for them, then there is a kind of agreement between you two. If you then go back on that agreement, they might think you do not trust them or lie to them.
To make sure lines of communication stay clear and everyone is aware of their responsibilities, is it best not to tell someone you do not mind if you do care. Doing it to try and be polite can backfire.
There are various ways you can let someone down easily if you do mind but do not want to cause tension.
- “Normally, I wouldn’t mind, but it’s been a hard week, so I can’t right now.”
- “Any other time, I would agree, but right now, I just can’t.”
- “Thank you for asking, but right now, I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
- “I don’t normally mind under these circumstances, but right now, I simply cannot.”

Sophie Hammond is a journalist, psychologist, and freelance speechwriter for people in politics and business. She lives on the edge of the Rocky Mountains with her dog and a lifetime supply of books. When she’s not writing, she can be found wandering through nature or journaling at a coffee shop.