In a professional work environment, learning polite phrases is a must. Being polite and professional leads to more opportunities and friends. A common phrase people use is “It’s up to you”. But, how do you professionally say “It’s up to you”?

Since “It’s up to you” is a casual phrase, you need to change it when talking in a professional environment. Instead of saying “It’s up to you”, say “The choice is yours” or alternatively “The decision is in your hands”. These alternatives are polite and professional, and get the point across in a concise manner.
The rest of this article will cover when to say “it’s up to you”, how to use “it’s up to you”, alternatives for “it’s up to you”, tips for being more polite, and other polite phrases you should know.
When To Say “It’s Up To You”
“It’s up to you” is a common phrase you will hear between friends, colleagues, and family. When making a decision and someone asks for advice, the listener can say “It’s up to you”. This phrase is saying that the person you’re speaking to can make the decision.
This phrase should be used when a decision is mentioned in the conversation. It would be weird to use this phrase in another way that doesn’t relate to a subject of choice or decision. The decision can be big, or it can be minor like deciding what restaurant to go to.
Here are a few examples of situations to use this phrase:
- When someone has to decide what shoes to wear.
- When someone has to decide what project they should do first.
- When someone has to choose between two or more options.
- When someone has to choose what movie to watch.
How To Use “It’s Up To You”
This is not a formal wording. Although many co-workers won’t be bothered by you saying “It’s up to you”, you don’t want to take the chance unless you know them well. With strangers or people, you don’t know well in a formal environment, you should use alternatives, not “it’s up to you”.
Using it in a formal environment, it can come off as a little rude. It’s not wrong and not the worst thing in the world, but changing your word choice will benefit you.
To properly use this phrase, instead, you should use it in informal environments. A few examples of these informal environments are as follows:
- With friends.
- With co-workers, you’re friends with.
- With family.
- With a partner.
Alternatives For “It’s Up To You”
The best alternatives are completely different from “it’s up to you”. You want to change the wording around entirely so there’s no way you can come off as rude. For example, you can change “it’s up to you” to “the choice is yours”, which is completely different from the first phrase.
Here are a few examples of phrases you might prefer:
“The decision/choice is yours.”
“Whichever one you choose will be perfect.”
“You should do as you wish.”
“It’s entirely your choice.”
“I am open to your ideas.”
All of these choices are more polite because they have softer word choices. Word choice is important in how people are perceived. The better word choice you have, the more polite you’re going to sound.
In formal or informal environments, use these expressions instead of “it’s up to you”.
“The decision/choice is yours” is a good option because it acknowledges the other person’s choice. The same applies to “it’s entirely your choice”.
“Whichever one you choose will be perfect” is extremely polite and good to use when referring to a complete stranger or your boss. “You should do as you wish” is another polite choice around strangers and your boss since it’s short and shows you’re listening to their wishes.
Tips For Being More Polite
To be more polite, there are a few small things you can do. You don’t need to change your personality or appearance to be more polite. For starters, do what you do best: be yourself.
Don’t get overly involved in workplace drama and assignments. Stick to yourself.
By sticking to yourself and being friendly when needed, you show the company that you’re a respectable person who doesn’t get involved in gossip. It’s a small gesture that your co-workers and boss will appreciate.
Another thing you can do to appear more polite is to give out more compliments. It doesn’t have to be forced or fake, but if you notice someone is wearing a hat you like, don’t be shy. It’s easy to get shy and not say what you want to say, so speak up and tell your co-worker if you like their outfit.
Compliments are a small but easy way to come off as friendly and polite. Not only are you making someone’s day by giving them a confidence boost, but you’re making new friends in the process. After all, who doesn’t want to be friends with someone who’s nice?
Lastly, an easy way to make yourself more polite is to show up on time. Don’t be late to hangouts, meetings, or shifts. Being on time is a small gesture that adds up over time since so many people nowadays are late. Your boss and co-workers especially will thank you.
Implications of Casual Language in Professional Communication
Using informal language in a professional setting can have potential implications that professionals should be aware of. When communicating in a formal way, the choice of vocabulary becomes crucial.
Alternatives to easy-going sayings like “It’s up to you” should be considered to maintain a level of professionalism. The meaning and expression of a message can vary greatly depending on the words chosen. Casual language may unintentionally convey a lack of authority, importance, or consideration. It also depends on the recipient’s interpretation and their expectations of professional communication.
By consciously selecting appropriate and respectful language, professionals can ensure their messages are clear and concise, and convey the necessary level of professionalism in the workplace.
- “The decision is yours to make.”
- “I leave the choice in your hands.”
- “You have the final say in this matter.”
- “It’s your call to make.”
- “You are empowered to decide.”
Tips for Effective Decision-Making
When it comes to effective decision-making in a professional setting, clear and concise speaking is crucial. To ensure a productive outcome, it is important to carefully consider the factors at hand and understand the preferences and perspectives of those involved.
The best way to approach decision-making is to actively listen to others, valuing their input and incorporating it into the process. By demonstrating an open and inclusive mindset, professionals can foster a collaborative environment where everyone feels heard and respected.
This approach not only enhances the quality of decisions but also strengthens the team’s cohesion and commitment to the chosen idea or course of action. If you are seeking updates from team members or colleagues during the decision-making process, knowing how to politely ask for an update is essential. It helps maintain a sense of accountability and keeps the workflow smooth.
Understanding the art of seeking updates without being pushy is a valuable skill in any workplace. If you’re unsure how to approach this, you can learn more about it in our post on ‘How do you politely ask for an update?‘
Remember, effective decision-making is closely related to effective communication and the ability to strike a balance between individual preferences and collective goals.

Katie Holmes is a senior author at with over 15 years of experience in marketing and psychology. As a freelance consultant, she also supports companies and executives in overcoming communication challenges. Katie is a passionate digital nomad working on her first book on the art of communication.