Birthdays can be a lot of fun, but they can also bring a lot of awkward small talk. How should you respond when someone asks you how your birthday is going?

When people ask you how your birthday is going, you should be brief and positive. You can send a short response, go into a little detail, or let the person know you missed them today. Thanking them for the text is a great way to end the message.
If you’ve got birthday cake on your plate and a phone filled with unanswered texts, you’ve come to the right place! We’re here to help you craft the best answers to “How’s your birthday going?” questions from friends, family, and others! So let’s dive in!
Best Answers to “How’s Your Birthday Going?”
It’s common for friends, coworkers, family, and even distant acquaintances to reach out to you on your birthday. Whether it’s genuine curiosity, showing they care, or just making awkward small talk.
It can be hard to know how to respond. Here are three great options for answering this question:
- Give a summary of your day so far.
- Go into a little more detail.
- Let the person know you miss them.
Your relationship with the person will impact how you will respond. Thanking the person for the text is always good. They went out of their way to text and let you know they were thinking about you. It’s very sweet of them.
Give a Short Summary
Short summaries are sometimes the best answer to “How’s your birthday going?” Whether in person, on a phone call, or via text, you may feel uncomfortable with a lengthy response if you’re not very close with the person.
Shorter responses are also great when you’re still busy with birthday fun. You can reply politely without wasting your or their time.
Here are a few great examples of summary answers you could send:
“It is going well. Thanks for asking!”
“I am enjoying every minute of it!”
“I am having a very good birthday. Thanks for asking.”
These responses let the person know that you are enjoying your day and appreciate them for asking.
Go Into Some Details
Sometimes people ask about your birthday out of politeness, but others truly want to know how it’s been going!
Going into more detail, of course, depends on how comfortable you are with a person. If a good friend or close family member has asked you how your birthday is going, you should go into more detail.
For example, you might say:
“My birthday’s going great. Just went out to eat with my family.”
“Went to the park with a few friends. It was really fun! Thanks for asking.”
“My coworkers surprised me with a small party and a yummy cake! Thank you so much for asking.”
However, there are times when you may want to keep your response brief, even with loved ones. If you’re in a setting where you want to protect your privacy, such as at work or in an elevator, only send as much information as you are comfortable with sharing.
Tell Them You Miss Them
Sometimes a friend or family member who could not celebrate with you will ask you how your birthday is going.
If their reasons for not coming were unavoidable, don’t lay on the guilt- instead, let them know there are no hard feelings.
Even if they aren’t there with you physically, they’re texting, which means they were thinking about you. But they might be a little uncomfortable. They may even be worried that you’re mad or disappointed with them.
Here are some great examples to reply with:
“I’m having a great time, Michelle. Maybe we can plan it next year so you can come- I miss you!”
“Thanks for asking, Peter. Everything is going great. I’m so sorry you couldn’t come.”
“Thanks for checking in, Sarah. I’m having a great day. I wish you could have been here, but don’t worry, I’m just saving a slice of cake for you!”
These responses are great because they reaffirm to the asker that you miss them and appreciate them for checking in. Using their name also shows that you care.
Best Answers For A Not-So-Good Birthday
We get it. Not all birthdays are cause for celebration. Sometimes they can be painful reminders of lost loved ones or other hard milestones. Sometimes you’re sick.
Unless they know otherwise about what you might be experiencing, most people expect positive responses from their inquiries. If that is the case, you should respond positively and thank them for asking. Not everyone needs to know your business.
But those who know it’s a hard day for you truly want to hear how you’re feeling.
Replies For When You’re Sick
Here are some ways you can respond to a friend when you’re sick on your birthday:
“Aw, thanks for asking. I have the flu, but I’ll get better.”
“It’s been rough not getting to hang out with people today. Once I feel better, maybe we can hang out and celebrate.”
These are great responses because they highlight how you’re feeling. They’re also not too negative.
People who aren’t close to you but see it’s your birthday on social media might not know you’re sick when they ask. Here is a sample for acquaintances who ask you how your birthday’s going while you’re sick:
“I got sick this weekend, but I’m still enjoying a nice quiet day at home. Thanks.”
Examples of When You’re Sad
If the day brings heartache, your loved ones will want to ensure you’re okay.
You could respond by saying:
“Thanks for checking in. It’s been a hard day, but texts from people like you are helping.”
Final Thoughts
Hopefully, we’ve helped you craft the best answers for all those birthday texts you’re getting! Never underestimate a simple “thank you for asking” and “it’s been a great day.” But if you need to go into more detail, or want to, feel free to do so!

Sophie Hammond is a journalist, psychologist, and freelance speechwriter for people in politics and business. She lives on the edge of the Rocky Mountains with her dog and a lifetime supply of books. When she’s not writing, she can be found wandering through nature or journaling at a coffee shop.