When you share information with someone, it is a good idea for them to acknowledge they received it. This is important in person, by text, and by email. Otherwise, you may worry that they didn’t get that communication.

To “Thank you for letting me know,” respond with “You’re welcome. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me at any time”. In this way, you are being polite, and the other person is free to respond or not.
The response often depends on your relationship with them. If they are a friend or family member, it can be far more casual than if it is a professional relationship are you don’t know them well yet.
Often, the answers can be very simple and completed in just a few words. Here are some wonderful examples that would fit most relationships too.
Acknowledge the Person
Make sure you take a moment to acknowledge that person and their response.
It may seem silly to do so if you are the one that started the conversation, but it is the right thing to do. Such etiquette is essential with the use of texting and email so widely these days.
Any time you get a message you should acknowledge that you received it, even if it is a simple reply or even an emoji sent back to them.
What to Say:
“You are welcome.”
“Any time.”
“I am happy to help.”
“I hope the information helps.”
“Glad I could help out with the information.”
“If you need anything further regarding it, just let me know.”
“Don’t mention it.”
“It was no trouble at all.”
“Of course!”
Continue the Conversation
Sometimes, the information you shared with them requires more than just them saying “Thanks for letting me know”.
While it is up to them to continue the conversation when there are decisions to be made, you may have to follow up with them.
What to Say:
“You are welcome, based on this new information, please let me know if you can make it.”
“Does this new date and time work for your schedule?”
“As soon as we can reschedule, we will get an update out to you. Are there any days that work better than others?”
“Do you have any questions or concerns?”
“Please confirm if you would like to keep the scheduled appointment or reschedule it.”
Let Them Know You Value Them and Their Input
Depending on the topic, you may have an opportunity to share with them how much you value their time and their input.
Let them know you didn’t take it for granted.
This can help with creating a solid foundation for the relationship and giving it a chance to grow with time too.
What to Say:
“I don’t mind, and I appreciate all you do to help keep this moving in the right direction.”
“I never mind returning the favor. You always give me a heads up with anything I should know about and I value that.”
“Thanks for bringing my attention to that issue in the first place. Definitely, something I didn’t think about until you pointed it out. I am glad I had the opportunity to clarify it!”
“Not a problem at all, I look forward to your input as you are always solution-oriented.”
“Thank you for always being so helpful, you have set an amazing example for the rest of us to follow.”
Communication is Key
Sharing information is vital for all types of relationships. What you share, how you share it, and when you share it all make a difference.
Try to share all the details in the easiest manner possible and as soon as possible.
When you do so, those on the receiving end will appreciate your effort and the fact that you didn’t wait until the last minute.
What to Say:
“I wanted to make sure you were aware of the location change as soon as I found out about it.”
“I didn’t want anything to slip through the cracks, and I wasn’t sure who received this information and who didn’t.”
“Never a problem, communication is what makes our relationship work so well!”
“I am sure you would have done the same for me if things were reversed.”
“You are always so helpful and I wanted to do the same for you.”
“This information is too important not to make sure everyone has it!”
Explain the Benefit
In some instances, the benefit of the information will be self-explanatory.
Sometimes, you should explain the benefit so people understand why you felt the need to share it.
This can also encourage them to take other actions.
What to Say:
“I am glad to share this with you, now that we have confirmed dates, we can look at hotel room options and prices.”
“You are welcome, I didn’t want there to be any confusion with conflicting information out there.”
“Not a problem at all, I didn’t realize when I first sent out the information there would be questions, I didn’t answer. Hopefully, this new information takes care of such questions for everyone.”
“I am glad we all have the latest information to work from at this time. It ensures we can do our best to bring creative ideas and concepts to the mix.”
Keep it Positive!
Don’t be tempted to complain about changes or the need to send out extra details for people to have all they need.
Make sure your reply is simple and it is positive. Avoid saying things like you hope nothing further changes or you put a great deal of time into getting all of those details to send to everyone.
What to Say:
“Sometimes changes are out of our control, and I appreciate your understanding and replying back to let me know you got the updates.”
“I am looking forward to seeing you, so happy the date change is going to work for your schedule!”
“Any time, I know I like to be kept current on things and strive to make sure others are too when I have information to share.”

Sophie Hammond is a journalist, psychologist, and freelance speechwriter for people in politics and business. She lives on the edge of the Rocky Mountains with her dog and a lifetime supply of books. When she’s not writing, she can be found wandering through nature or journaling at a coffee shop.