It can be difficult to know how to respond when you receive a pity invite.

First, consider your invitation. Were you invited for politeness or because the host wanted you? After determining their goals, decide how to proceed. If you don’t want to attend, politely reject. If the invitation is genuine, embrace it generously and enthusiastically.
Furthermore, use this chance as an opportunity to build relationships and bond with others–you never know what reward or benefit might come from attending!
Example Responses to a Pity Invitation
Accepting the Invite
- Simple Acceptance: “Thank you for thinking of me! I’d be happy to come.”
- Enthusiastic Response: “That sounds great, I’m looking forward to it! Thanks for the invite.”
- Casual Acceptance: “Sure, sounds like fun. I’ll be there!”
Declining the Invite
- Polite Decline: “I appreciate the invite, but unfortunately, I have other plans that day.”
- Gracious Refusal: “Thank you for the invitation, but I’ll have to pass this time. Hope it’s a great event!”
- Non-Committal Decline: “Thanks for thinking of me, but I’m not sure I can make it. I’ll let you know if things change.”
When Unsure
- Seeking More Information: “Thanks for the invite! Can you tell me more about the event?”
- Indicating Potential Interest: “It sounds interesting. Let me check my schedule and I’ll get back to you.”
If You Decide to Address the Pity Invite Directly
- Tactful Addressing: “I appreciate the invitation. I hope it’s because you want me there and not out of obligation. Just checking, as I only want to attend if you’re comfortable with it.”
How Do You Say No to a Pity Invite?
When turning down a pity invite, it is important to carefully consider the words you use and the tone in which you use them. Start off with a statement of appreciation for their thoughtfulness, as this will soften the blow of your refusal.
It may also be helpful to explain why you cannot attend without providing too many details. For example, a simple explanation such as, “I’m so sorry I can’t come, but I’m already committed elsewhere,” should suffice.
Finally, an offer of something else that could be done together or a kind gesture on your part (such as offering to bring them a small gift) can show your gratitude while still respectfully declining the invitation. Doing so allows both of you to move forward with minimal feelings of animosity or hurt.
How Do You Respond to a Late Invitation?
Receiving a late invitation to an event can put any attendee in an awkward position. Faced with a conflicting commitment or having to decline, it is important to take a moment and assess your options. When attempting to craft a response, it is important to communicate both appreciation for the invite and understanding of the host’s predicament.
Depending on feelings of obligation or desire to attend, you may decide to politely decline the offer or negotiate alternate plans that work best for both parties. It is also important to recognize that certain events may have limited seating or space restrictions; by responding quickly, one may be able to avoid inconveniencing friends, family, or colleagues while freeing up much-needed space.
Whatever your response is, it should be heartfelt yet honest and convey appreciation and consideration for all involved.
What Does Pity Invite Mean?
Pity invite is a term used to describe an invitation offered out of a feeling of sympathy or sorrow. Pity invites occur when you feel so sorry for someone and their circumstances that you offer to help, even though it’s not expected or asked for.
It might be something as simple as a dinner invitation, taking someone out for coffee, offering to cover expenses, lending someone a few bucks in desperate times, or volunteering your time to help them with a project. Invitations like these are made with the best intentions—a gesture that shows compassion, respect, and understanding. Sometimes such invitations can be awkward, but they often leave the person feeling encouraged and uplifted.
Are Last-Minute Invites Rude?
Last-minute invites can come across as rude and inconsiderate, especially when the recipient wasn’t aware of an upcoming event. On the one hand, a person who gets invited at the last minute may feel obliged to attend an event they otherwise wouldn’t have chosen to join had they been given more notice.
Especially with smaller or more intimate gatherings, not having enough time for proper planning or shopping for appropriate attire might make a person feel unprepared and uninvited. On the other hand, sometimes there isn’t enough notice when unexpected events occur or something comes up at the last minute.
Furthermore, attending an event without any prior expectations allows attendees to take everything in organically without worrying about what has gone on before their arrival.
At the same time, however, knowing in advance also gives people more control over their own schedules and helps them prepare appropriately for whatever may come; some events require special preparations that cannot be made within 24 hours notice. As a result, learning how to accurately balance these aspects is key to determining whether a last-minute invite can be considered rude or simply a pleasant surprise.
How Do You Say I Can’t Come Politely?
Apologizing for an inability to attend can be tricky, and it’s best to tailor your message to the situation. The words and phrasing you use can help set the tone and display your respect for the other person or event.
To politely say you can’t attend, start by expressing regret that you’re unable to come by using phrases like “I’m sorry I cannot make then” and “Unfortunately, I am not able to attend.”
Explain why in a couple of sentences, addressing any particular person or group you need to apologize to. If possible, offer a solution, such as suggesting an alternate time or sending a gift for the event. Ending positively with words of appreciation—such as “Thank you for inviting me,” or “I appreciate your understanding”—will show your gratitude while maintaining politeness.
How Do You Respond to a Missed Event?
A missed event can be a difficult experience, both emotionally and logistically. The most important things to do in these moments are to check in with the feelings you’re experiencing, give yourself some grace and acknowledgment for your effort and the fact that mistakes happen, and then take actionable steps to learn from the mistake.
It’s also important to communicate promptly and plainly with the other people involved — from telling them what happened to apologizing profusely if necessary — so that everyone remains on the same page.
If subsequent events have been affected by this one, try your best to offer alternative solutions or plans for making up for it. At the end of the day, being honest, thoughtful, and reflective is key to responding effectively in such a situation.
When you are given a pity invitation, it might be challenging to know how to respond to it properly.
Before anything else, think about the invitation. Were you asked to come as a sign of courtesy, or did the host really want your company?
After they have figured out their objectives, decide how to move forward. If you do not intend to attend, kindly decline the invitation. If you believe the invitation to be real, you should respond to it with generosity and enthusiasm.
In addition, make the most of this occasion by cultivating relationships with other people and forming bonds with them; you never know what rewards or benefits may result from attending events like this.

Katie Holmes is a senior author at with over 15 years of experience in marketing and psychology. As a freelance consultant, she also supports companies and executives in overcoming communication challenges. Katie is a passionate digital nomad working on her first book on the art of communication.