Neighbors are a crucial part of our lives—after all, they are the people who live just a few feet away from us. However, there are some neighbors who just don’t know how to keep their distance, and can be really hard to deal with.

One way to tell a neighbor you don’t want to be friends is to limit the frequency of your interactions and leave personal issues out of it. For example, say, “I’m glad we’re good neighbors, but beyond that, I don’t aspire to be friends with my neighbors.”
In this article, we will discuss how to distance yourself from overly-friendly neighbors while maintaining a cordial relationship. We will also provide tips on how to avoid confrontation and what to do if you find yourself in an awkward situation with your neighbor.
How to Tell a Neighbor You Don’t Want to Be Friends
Neighbors can undisputably be some of the most important relationships in our lives. However, at times the physical proximity and frequent interaction can be uncomfortable.
Maybe they’re too loud or too nosy, or maybe you’re just an introvert who doesn’t like socializing. Whatever the situation, here are some tips on how to tell your neighbor you don’t want to be friends.
1. Limit your interaction
If you’re frustrated by how frequently you see your neighbors, one of the simplest solutions is to avoid situations that might result in unnecessary interaction.
This could be something as basic as changing the time you take the bins out to avoid bumping into your neighbor or waving hello instead of stopping for a chat when you pass by.
2. Create some distance
After establishing boundaries, make sure that you follow through and clarify them if needed.
To further deflect unwanted friendly advances from your neighbor, create some distance by remaining formal and polite in your conversations and avoid sharing personal matters.
Invite them over on select occasions only, if at all.
3. Set clear boundaries
Like any other relationship, you need to establish a clear set of boundaries that are understood and respected by both parties.
For example, let’s say that you don’t want to be contacted after 10 PM or prefer that your neighbors inform you before coming over.
These are reasonable requests that should be communicated clearly to your neighbors.
4. Be honest about it
If you don’t want to be friends with your neighbor, then simply being honest about it is sometimes the best policy.
Avoiding them or acting like they don’t exist is not really the best idea.
You can tell them that you are busy and that you would prefer not to get too close for now. You should be polite yet firm, and let them clearly know how you feel.
Be Friendly with Your Neighbors, but Not Friends
Most people don’t want to be very chummy with their neighbors—after all, as Robert Frost said, “Good fences make good neighbors”.
Of course, no one wants to go to the other extreme either and be perceived as rude or impolite. In general, we want to maintain a peaceful relationship, but conflicts do tend to arise from time to time and can be hard to handle tactfully.
The first step in this process is identifying the problem. The issue might be that you’re too busy or tired for frequent social interaction, or it might be because you’re not getting along well with your neighbor due to personality differences.
It’s helpful to identify the problem before approaching them about it so you can make sure that your message will be clear and concise.
Keep in mind that the key to maintaining a cordial relationship with your neighbors is being on good terms while setting clear boundaries about which aspects of your life you would prefer to keep private.
In other words, be friendly—but not friends. This would enable you to keep nosy neighbors at a distance and avoid unnecessary interference in your affairs.
An example of this would probably look like establishing clear boundaries on what times/ occasions are suitable for friendly interaction, and what your usual small talk should constitute.
If you’re uncomfortable discussing certain aspects of your life such as finances, relationship troubles, etc. then make sure you signal this clearly and change the topic if needed.
Setting Boundaries with Needy Neighbors
Needy neighbors who plague you at any and all times with demands for company, attention, or forced conversation can indeed be a nuisance. After a busy day at the office, the last thing you want is your neighbor hanging around for hours.
Let’s talk about some tips you can use to limit interaction with needy neighbors (and get them to back off!).
1. Be direct about your feelings
If you feel like you are being pushed too much by your needy neighbor, then be direct about it. Let them know that your time is valuable and ask them not to call or text too much or come over too often.
2. Make sure they understand
After you have been direct with them, make sure they understand what you said by repeating it in a different way if needed.
The last thing you want is for them to think that this was just an offhand comment made in anger. This would just lead to an unnecessary cycle of confrontation without any actual results.
3. Try to find an agreeable solution
The needier they are, the more likely it is that they will not be able to comprehend your situation or find a solution themselves. Try talking with them and explaining your feelings in a less assertive way.
If this doesn’t work, then consider breaking off contact completely. This could look like not replying to any unnecessary phone calls or texts, or even blocking their number.
Since a neighbor is someone you see very frequently, if not every day, it’s important to know how to establish well-defined boundaries.
If your neighbor is being a little too friendly for your liking, clearly communicate to them that you don’t want to be friends. This might be difficult because it can lead to awkwardness, but there are ways to go about it without being too confrontational.
Simply changing your body language and conversation topics, plus limiting your availability, is enough in most cases to get your neighbor to back off. Try out these tips today if you struggle with nosy neighbors!

Katie Holmes is a senior author at with over 15 years of experience in marketing and psychology. As a freelance consultant, she also supports companies and executives in overcoming communication challenges. Katie is a passionate digital nomad working on her first book on the art of communication.