To be successful in today’s ultra-competitive business landscape you need to be able to communicate effectively.

We’re not just talking about public speaking here, either.
No, we mean knowing exactly how to craft your messages to your audience so that they have the biggest and most influential impact.
We mean identifying the communication style of the people that you are leading and reaching out to them on this wavelength.
We mean learning how to structure your communications so that you get your point across quickly but powerfully, and in a way that your message doesn’t get lost in the “noise” we all deal with on a day-to-day basis.
Some people are a whole lot better at communicating these days than others – and then there are a rare few people that can teach others how to be more effective communicators as well.
Lorraine Wiseman, the author of the Communication Fundamentals program, these exactly that kind of superstar.
Quick Overview
The Communication Fundamentals program distills down all of Lorraine’s “big touchstones” when it comes to more effective communication these days, giving everyone a complete crash course in how to level up their communication game without losing what makes them uniquely themselves.
Learning the skills feels a little bit like developing a superpower if we are being totally honest.
The really cool thing about the Communication Fundamentals program, though, is that it isn’t just for business communications specifically.
Sure, there’s a big push in this program to teach you how to more effectively communicate with your coworkers, with your employees, with your management and bosses, and with other people in a professional setting.
But almost all of these skills are transferable to your social world as well.
Yes, you’re going to be able to become a better communicator at work – but you’re also going to become a better communicator as a friend, with your family, and in your romantic relationships as well.
Like we said a moment ago, learning communication fundamentals sort of gives you a communication superpower!
Communication Fundamentals – The Big Promise
There are a couple of core big promises made by Lorraine in the Communication Fundamentals program*:
First, this program is going to teach you how to quickly identify different personalities and the communication styles that suit them best.
This is a lot like having x-ray vision and a cheat sheet when you need to communicate with other people, especially when you are communicating with new people that you might not have a whole lot of time with already.
Secondly, you’re going to learn how to delicately balance the world of formal and informal styles of communication as well as the written and unwritten rules of how to balance those two styles.
The last thing you want to worry about is coming across as too informal in a very formal situation or vice versa.
Sometimes that’s going to happen no matter what. But learning how to negate those mixups with the Communication Fundamentals program will guarantee that these issues are far and few between.
One of the modules that we liked most is the one on the power of silence and how to use it more effectively.
Learning how to use this skill (and it is a skill) is a game-changer – but it’s something that very rarely gets talked about, and certainly isn’t talked about in the kind of depth that it is here in Lorraine’s program.
There are a couple of other big promises that get delivered throughout Communication Fundamentals. But these are the big ones that stood out to us and are the sort of foundation of what we think makes this program so unique.
Course Breakdown
Lorraine and her team took the time to carefully craft just under 90 minutes of content specifically focused on improving your communication skills.
There are six individual sections in this program, with 38 individual lectures spread across those six sections, all of which build on one another and provide a real solid foundation of communication skills in today’s modern world.
1. Welcome Section
The first module is a quick one, with two modules that only take up about four minutes of time in total.
You learn a little bit about the instructor (Lorraine herself), a little bit about the big promises of the course, and a little bit about communication in general and why mastering these skills is so essential.
2. Process of Communication
From there you move into the first “skills” module of the program – the ‘Process of Communication’ module.
This is where the rubber starts to meet the road and you learn about the whole communication process this program is built on top of, individual channels of communication, the difference between formal and informal communication, and more.
3. Communication Styles
You roll from that module right into the Communication Styles module – the real “meat” of this program.
16 individual modules over 41 minutes walk you through all different kinds of communication essentials, including things like:
- Learning how to put yourself in the shoes of the person receiving your message
- Learning how to “listen loudly”
- Mastering the essential skill of developing better questions
- How to utilize multiple persuasion styles and influence more effectively
- How to tell better stories
… And that’s just the tip of the iceberg!
It’s recommended (not just by the course author but by us as well) that you first go through this section from start to finish in order. Just do one module right after the next.
Later – and you are going to want to come back to this program later (a whole bunch of times to master the skills, really) – you can sort of bounce around and drill down into individual modules that make the most sense for you at the moment.
4. Management and Communication Under Pressure
After that, you have the Management and Communication Under Pressure section of the training program.
There are seven individual modules here that take up about 18 minutes of your time and are fantastic for more advanced skills and tactics.
Not only will you learn how to effectively communicate when the pressure is on and things aren’t going smoothly, but you’ll learn how to better manage in these moments as well.
All of these skills are immediately applicable!
5. Cross-Cultural Communication
Next, you have a relatively quick section on Cross-Cultural Communication.
Our world is becoming more and more interconnected every single day and learning how to communicate cross-culturally is a huge piece of the success puzzle.
Lorraine breaks down how to communicate and manage virtual teams, how to almost “over-communicate”, the power of intentional positivity, and how to avoid common pitfalls that can cause breakdowns in these kinds of communications, too.
If you are thinking about doing business online today or anytime in the future this is going to be a hugely important section of the training.
6. Summary Section
Finally, things wrap up with a quick four-minute summary section that just sort of glosses over everything you’ve learned and then provides a couple of other resources you can use to get even better at communication.
All in all, the structure makes sense and the content here is top-notch.
You’re going to come away with new actionable skills, a better understanding of your communication style, and the ability to utilize multiple persuasion styles and influence others by the time you finish.
There’s a ton of value in Communication Fundamentals!*
Why We Like Communication Fundamentals
There are some premium video courses out there that take their time to wind up and get going, but not this one.
One of the biggest things we like about Communication Fundamentals is that it sort of drops you right into the thick of things, moving you quickly through the more theoretical side of communication and into the “meat and potatoes” tips, tricks, tactics, and strategies to be a better communicator.
That’s what we were looking for and that’s what we got!
Of course, there are a whole bunch of other things we liked about this program and we run through them right now.
Accessible Info with Actionable Tactics Every Step of the Way
At no point in time did any of the training fields like it was inaccessible or sort of “theory only” the way that a lot of communication strategy training can get.
Sure, there’s a lot of theory and a lot of less concrete information throughout this Communication Fundamentals training program. That’s a huge part of mastering this skill, learning the “why” behind the “how”.
But you don’t get buried in that stuff the way you might with other programs.
Instead, you get just enough theory to understand the why behind the know-how that you are then taught straightaway.
That’s huge for retention and mastery!
Valuable Takeaway Lessons for All Communicator Types
Something that we liked about this program is that it doesn’t try and paint with too broad of a brush, but instead clearly outlines that there are different communication styles – and then really heavily reinforces the value in recognizing those styles and tailoring your messaging to them.
Too often people try to sort of “bazooka” their messages through with no real consideration to how those messages are going to be received by different members of their audience.
And that’s where a lot of communication breakdown happens.
Focusing on different communicator types and how to reach them more effectively (including all at once) was eye-opening and super valuable.
Tons of Real-World Examples for Clear Communication – And Breakdowns for Why It’s Important
Having so many real-world examples of clear communication at every step of this program makes it a lot easier to digest exactly what you are being taught.
You aren’t ever going to feel like Lorraine or her team sort of leave you hanging with theory alone.
Lots of concrete and practical examples of clear communication reinforce the lessons. Every module (except for the intro and the summary) has a bunch of exercises designed to have you further reinforce these lessons, too.
That’s big!
Peels Back on the Curtain on the Power of Silence When Communicating
As we mentioned earlier in our review, the module that sort of peels back the curtain on the power of silence when communicating – and how (not to mention when) to use it to great effect was very eye-opening.
This is something that very rarely gets touched on in other communication programs but it is such a powerful skill to master.
The module that goes over the power of silence and how to use it effectively might be worth the price of admission all on its own!
What We Wished It Did Better
Of course, like any other training, there are some things we think Lorraine could have done a little better with Communication Fundamentals.
Early Lessons Feel Geared Heavily Towards Newbies and Communication Theory
Some of the early training lessons feel like they are more heavily geared towards newbies that are just getting started learning the ins and outs of advanced communication – especially when it comes to the amount of theory you get frontloaded in the program.
Lorraine crafted this training for as many people as possible so some of this is to be expected.
It’s just that we were ready to dive deeper into the more advanced stuff when we started.
Later Lessons Can Feel Somewhat Repetitive
Some of the later lessons can feel a little bit repetitive and the section on cross-cultural communication could have then beefed up a little bit, especially since it’s so valuable.
Again, though, these are nitpicky kinds of issues and not deal-breakers.
Who is Communication Fundamentals For?
Communication Fundamentals was intentionally designed for people that want to learn how to become more effective communicators, that want to have better relationships in all spectrums of their lives, and folks that want to better craft their messages for their entire audience.
If you fall into that umbrella (and the odds are pretty good that you do) you’re going to really like Communication Fundamentals.
Is Communication Fundamentals Worth Your Hard-Earned Money?
Yes, yes, yes!
The price point for Communication Fundamentals is accessible and affordable – with the program almost being underpriced for the amount of value that you get.
Combine that with a 30-day moneyback guarantee, the ability to go through these lessons at your leisure as often as you like to gain skills, and the power of the more advanced tactics shared by Lorraine and it’s a no-brainer.
Final Verdict
You are going to want to get your hands on Communication Fundamentals ASAP!
Everyone looking to better communicate – in person, by email, on the phone, up on stage, etc. – will benefit significantly from the tactics, tips, and key tools in this training.
Becoming a better communicator opens up a world of opportunity and influence to you, not just in the business world but in your personal life as well.
Check out Communication Fundamentals today.

Katie Holmes is a senior author at with over 15 years of experience in marketing and psychology. As a freelance consultant, she also supports companies and executives in overcoming communication challenges. Katie is a passionate digital nomad working on her first book on the art of communication.