Throughout your membership in every club, you form bonds and relationships with your fellow members. It can be tough leaving them, especially if they treated you nicely.
Nevertheless, circumstances sometimes make it necessary or desirable for you to leave the club. But how can you politely quit a club?

The first person you should notify of your intent to leave the club is an appropriate board member. Seek direct discussion and state the reasons for your decision as well as your intended departure date. Don’t forget to thank them for all the great experiences so far.
Rules to follow when you want to leave a club
Leaving different clubs usually requires a different approach as well. If your club has a form resignation process, you can follow that without worry.
This guide will provide you with tips and advice on how to quit as politely as possible. The suggestions are kept as general as possible to apply them in any situation where they are needed.
Keep It Private
If you’re dead set on retiring, the classiest thing you could do is keep it a private ordeal between you and the people in charge. Avoid making it a big exit and demand an extravagant farewell party or sendoff.
It would be impolite to make a big gesture out of it and quit in front of everyone during a club meeting or gathering.
Leaving a club is first and foremost about you – it would be rude to make it everyone else’s ordeal or problem as well.
Instead, make your resignation from the club as private and discreet as possible, and your club leaders and members will be sure to thank you for it.
Do Not Discuss It With Any Club Members
In line with keeping it as private as possible, it is best not to discuss your exit with any of your fellow club members.
The first person you should inform is the person in charge of the club. It is unprofessional and impolite to discuss quitting the club with active members of it.
If word gets around or someone accidentally slips, it can cause uneasiness and dismay amongst the club, which you want to avoid at all costs.
For example, imagine you’re a part of a club, or maybe even its leader, and you hear that one of the members decides to leave without discussing it formally with the people in charge. You want to avoid this situation as it looks terrible and rude on your part.
As previously mentioned, your fellow club members are likely your close friends and teammates at this point. Therefore, it is understandable if you want to inform them that you are leaving the club.
It is a formality to notify those closest to you about this, but it should only be done after speaking to the club leaders first. As much as it may be difficult, do what is right and follow the chain of command as it is there for a reason.
If you want to talk to someone about quitting your club, it’s best to speak to people who are not members. It helps you to get an unbiased and rational decision from an outside party. Furthermore, it lowers the chances of word getting out early and spreading amongst the club members.
Private Meeting
You must schedule a meeting with the person in charge of the club or responsible for handling club resignations. This meeting is the utmost form of respect and formality for the club and its members. It shows that you value the club and the experiences that you had with it.
It’s always polite to have a private meeting to inform the heads of the club. However, it is often not enough to just pull them aside and tell them out of nowhere.
It is rude to just drop something big like a club resignation on someone who is not prepared to handle such information. It’s disrespectful and rude to do.
By scheduling a meeting, you’re giving the concerned party time to prepare and grasp the situation in a private and calm setting.
No matter how terrifying or daunting it may be, it’s the right and the proper way.
Direct and In-Person
Quitting a club is a serious endeavor and should be treated as such. It is polite and professional to be direct when you inform the people in charge that you are quitting.
Just be straight to the point and don’t add any other fillers to try and shake up the mood.
It is respectful to give your club departure the professionalism and properness that it needs. It also helps to let the club leader know that you are serious about it and that you treat the organization with respect.
This meeting is not a time for jokes and stories about various things. Stay on topic and be polite throughout.
Furthermore, the Robert Walters Group, a top recruitment company, states that you should always resign from an organization in person. Quitting over the phone or email can be incredibly disrespectful.
So don’t just shoot your club leaders a text saying you want to leave. Instead, be polite and show respect for your time there and meet them in person. At the very least, schedule a formal video call if you can not meet them face-to-face.
Give Ample Notice
Even if your decision was spontaneous, it’s most polite and respectful to give your club ample notice before you leave. The chances are, your club and its leaders have already made plans in the immediate future that involve you.
To leave out of the blue would be a disrespect to the time and effort they gave, especially if you are an integral part of the plan.
For jobs, two weeks’ notice is the standard practice. For clubs, it’s safest to inform your club leader that the next club activity will be your last.
Say Your Thanks
Just because you’re leaving the club doesn’t mean that you have to be on bad terms with them.
It is polite to go amicably and give thanks for the time that you spent with them.
You don’t have to be grand and throw a party or anything like that. A simple thank you for the time they gave you is sufficient. Make sure to personally thank the club leaders as well for taking care of you.
Example Phrases
Thinking of the right way to tell your club leader that you’re going to quit is difficult. Depending on the situation, you may need to add a little formality to it.
Generally, one or two sentences are enough to get your point across and open the conversation of your departure.
Here are some example phrases to give you an idea of how to do it properly. Remember, you should keep it polite, respectful, and direct.
When quitting, you must use simple, straightforward, and polite words. These are examples of the sentences you can use.
“I scheduled this meeting today to inform you that I will be leaving this club.”
It’s one of the most common phrases used when politely quitting a club. If you don’t want to be a part of your group’s activity anymore, you can say that you are going somewhere else and will be leaving the club soon.
“Good afternoon, [club leader name]. I wanted to speak to you about my departure from this organization.”
One polite way to quit your club is to talk to the club leader. Mention your reason why you are leaving so they will understand and inform other members about it also.
“Thank you for everything you and the club have done for me, but I will be leaving this club on [planned departure date].”
Giving your appreciation to your club members is also good. The exact time of your departure could help them plan the activities without you.
“Being a part of the club is not included in my plan anymore. Thank you for letting me become a part of it.”
If your reason for quitting is to change your lifestyle or plans, it would be a great idea to tell the members that being a part of the club is not included in your future and that you are changing the course of your journey.
Giving Notice
It would be polite to notice the club members, so they understand more why you are leaving. These are the sample sentences you can use.
“I would be pleased to attend the upcoming club activity, but it will be my last.”
“I’m sorry for the short notice as it just happened so quickly. [Departure date] will be my last day in the club.”
“Thank you for the opportunities you have given me. I would be happy to help throughout this week before I leave.”
Similar Situations
Quitting isn’t just reserved for clubs. The tips and advice can help to leave all different sorts of organizations. For example, you could use this guide if you would like to leave your sports team.
Just apply all the information given and use it on your head coach. This guide is also helpful to quit a job or place of employment. Being polite and respectful is the key to a smooth departure from any organization. Keep these tips in mind, and you’ll set for life.

Sophie Hammond is a journalist, psychologist, and freelance speechwriter for people in politics and business. She lives on the edge of the Rocky Mountains with her dog and a lifetime supply of books. When she’s not writing, she can be found wandering through nature or journaling at a coffee shop.