Planning a surprise event is exciting and it adds an additional element to the mix. Someone is going to be very surprised when that event takes place.

This type of event also means more planning as you have to be careful about who you invite and how you invite them. You don’t want the surprise to be ruined!
To invite someone to a surprise, you must provide all the relevant information. Include the place, time, who you are, your contact details, if it’s allowed to forward the invitation, dress code, and whether there will be catering.
Gather Information to Contact
Make sure you aren’t leaving anyone important out of the event. You may not know them at all or know them well, but the person the surprise is for does!
The best way to make sure such individuals get an invite is to reach out to those closest to the person.
Share the surprise event and when you plan to host it. Ask them to provide you with contact information for anyone they feel should be invited.
What to Say:
“We would love to host a surprise baby shower for Karen on Friday, Oct 10th. Can you send me a list of family or friends you feel we should invite? I know some of them but don’t want to leave anyone out.”
“Can you send me the contact information for Liz’s friends and family? I don’t know many of them but we want to include them in the party we are having for her promotion. It is a surprise so the sooner you can get the information to me the better.”
“We hope you can help with the surprise birthday party for your sister. We are missing contact details for lots of people we know she would like to have there. Do you mind helping us out with a way to reach them?”
Introduce Yourself If They Don’t Know You
When you reach out to people you don’t know but you plan to invite to a surprise, make sure you introduce yourself.
You don’t want them to think the call/email/text is spam. State who you are, how you know the person the surprise is for, and when it will take place.
What to Say:
“Hi, my name is Kate and I work with your wife. We want to have a surprise for her at the office at 5 pm on Tuesday the 25th. You are cordially invited to join us. Please let me know if this date and time work for your schedule.”
“I work with Aimee and we are having a surprise retirement party for her on her last day at the end of the month. I would like to invite you to her party, an invitation is attached.”
“Hello, we don’t know each other but we are mutual friends of Tom. Below are details of a surprise 50th birthday party we have planned. We would love for you to join us to help him celebrate this milestone!”
Make It Clear This Is a Surprise So They Don’t Spill It
Any time you plan a surprise event, make sure you are clear it is a surprise!
You don’t want anyone to accidentally spill the beans about it! Make sure you can count on those you tell to keep it a secret.
Emphasize in your invite to them that it is a surprise and you would like everyone’s cooperation to keep it that way!
What to Say:
“Please do your part to keep this a secret, we want it to be a wonderful surprise!”
“We are working hard to ensure this remains a secret so please be careful what you share about it.”
“Our goal is to make sure Chris has no idea anything is planned.”
“While we are all excited about this, be cautious about any clues. We all know how quickly Max figures things out!”
Clarify Who Is Invited
When you send out invites for a surprise party, clarify who is invited.
Is it just the person you messaged? Their family? Can they invite others they know who also know the individual the surprise is for?
If you don’t clarify this, you could end up with more people than you expected at the event.
What to Say:
“Due to limited space, this invite is for you and one guest if you desire to bring someone.”
“We welcome you and your whole family to join us for this great event to honor Erica.”
“If you know any friends or family of Denise that we should include, can you send me their contact information?”
Provide an RSVP by Date
Sent out invites for a surprise event early on. You need guests to have adequate time to plan.
Calendars fill up quickly, and the surprise won’t be a great one if only a handful of people show up. Provide an RSVP by the date on your invite.
A good head count helps you plan for the event. This is especially true if you plan to serve food and beverages.
What to Say:
“Kindly RSVP by June 10th, thank you.”
“Please let me know by March 1st if you plan to attend. If so, how many will be attending?”
“We need to get a count of guests by Friday, please.”
“We hope to see you there, please let us know if you plan to attend.”
Provide All Relevant Information
Don’t leave someone hanging when it comes to a surprise. They can’t reach out to the person it is for to get those details!
When you provide all details from the start, you don’t have to worry about calls/texts/emails flooding in about them either.
Include the location, if food/drinks will be served, how to dress, and if gifts should be brought.
What to Say:
“We are asking guests to bring a card for the event and if you wish to donate a cash tree will be available.”
“This is an informal event so dress comfortably. We will be serving drinks and snacks.”
“We request you arrive 15 minutes early and park in the back of the building. We don’t want her to see all the cars out front and wonder what is going on.”
“We will be serving a meal buffet style along with a variety of beverages and cake.”
“If you need any additional details to feel free to reach out to me.”

Sophie Hammond is a journalist, psychologist, and freelance speechwriter for people in politics and business. She lives on the edge of the Rocky Mountains with her dog and a lifetime supply of books. When she’s not writing, she can be found wandering through nature or journaling at a coffee shop.