What Does It Mean When Someone Says You Are Cordially Invited?

What does it mean when someone says you are cordially invited to an event? You’ve probably received invitations like this before and you might have wondered how you should respond.

When someone’s invitation includes the use of cordially, it emphasizes their eagerness to have you celebrate with them. The word cordially indicates that there is a high degree of enthusiasm. Your presence is strongly desired at the event.

This article will go into detail on the meaning of this type of invitation and the correct response that should be used.

How Welcoming Is a Cordial Invitation?

If someone says that you’ve been cordially invited to their birthday party or another event, it means that they really want you to come. It’s more than a regular invitation.

Cordially combines several aspects of good verbal communication. It’s polite and friendly at the same time. However, it also exudes an air of formality that makes it perfect for a wide range of occasions.

By using cordially, it’s obvious that they want to encourage you to come, it’s usually a good idea to make sure you show up.

A Formal Invitation

If you have been cordially invited to an event, that means it’s likely to be a formal event. For example, it could be a wedding, anniversary celebration, or even a birthday party.

The wording of the invitation might be:

“You are cordially invited to the 50th birthday celebration of Karen Jones.”

“You are cordially invited to celebrate the union of Jack and Jenna Ramsey.”

“You are cordially invited to celebrate with our family as we prepare to greet our newest member.”

Each of these invitations might be for a formal occasion. However, this isn’t necessarily so in all cases. To ensure that you have the correct impression of the type of event you’re going to attend, speak to the hosts first.

Cordial Invitations to Business Events

Cordial invitations can be extended to business partners. You can also invite clients to business events in this way. The word is formal enough to match your brand and yet, it also exudes enough friendliness to make your guests feel welcome.

For example, if you own a restaurant, you could say:

“You are cordially invited to our wine tasting on the 21st.”

“You are cordially invited to sample our selection of breads.”

“You are cordially invited to the opening of our new location.”

If you receive an invitation like that, you can expect an event that has been well thought out. Generally, you won’t need to RSVP to such business invitations if it’s not indicated that you should do so. However, a contact number is usually provided. To ensure that your place is reserved, call the contact person and get additional details.

Cordial Reminders of Boundaries

Some cordial invitations are boundaries being stated in a polite and friendly way.

For example, you may be cordially reminded to refrain from speaking loudly while you’re in a particular office. Similarly, you may be cordially invited to pay your bills via an online method, instead of physically visiting a store.

Cordial invitations like this help to get the message across clearly, without making anyone feel bad. Some people don’t like to be told that they can’t do something. Inviting them to do the opposite can come across better. A music store may cordially invite customers to quietly listen to music that they’re interested in buying, by using headphones. This keeps them from disturbing other people.

Cordial Invitations to Enjoy Benefits

Cordial invitations are not always invitations to an actual event. People may cordially invite you to enjoy something on an ongoing basis.

For example, you may be invited to enjoy special benefits as a person over 75.

Some business places have a reception area where guests can relax and have a cup of coffee in the mornings, as they wait for a customer service representative. A sign is often posted somewhere in the area, stating that clients are cordially invited to enjoy a cup of coffee while they wait.

In cases like that, the correct response is to enjoy coffee if you wish. Since you’ve already been invited, you don’t have to ask for permission to use the area. However, you’re expected to abide by the usual etiquette in such situations, so you’ll keep the area clean and follow any additional protocols that are specific to that space.

Similarly, you may be cordially invited to enjoy special benefits that are only offered at a particular branch of a business. You might be told:

“You’re cordially invited to enjoy our non-smoking area.”

“You’re cordially invited to enjoy free retirement planning sessions with our advisors, every Monday.”

“You’re cordially invited to enroll in our Single Dads Discount program.”

In all of these cases, you can respond by taking up the offer. You can also respond by getting more information on the offer to know how you can maximize it. A cordial invitation indicates that you’re being welcomed and you can take action with the assurance that the offer is open to you.

In-Person Invitations

Cordial invitations may be given verbally when you’re speaking to a person face-to-face. In that situation, you have several options. For example, you could respond by:

In all of these cases, thank the person who is giving you the invitation. After that, state what you would like to do. You can also request additional information.

For example, you could say:

“Thank you for your invitation. I need more time to think about it.”

“Thank you. However, I have a meeting then.”

“Thanks for the invitation. However, I don’t think I’ve reached the minimum age required.”

“Thank you fro inviting me. I would like some more information about it before I can give you my answer.”

Cordial Invitations Via Digital Channels

When you’re cordially invited to do something via a digital channel, it has the same meaning as when you’re given the invitation in person. You’ll need to reply to it if an RSVP is attached. Similarly, if you’re not directly asked to respond via an RSVP, you should still seek additional information if it’s required.

For example, you might need information on the time of the event. If you’re being cordially invited to benefit from an ongoing offer, you should also ask if that will end at some point.

If the cordial invitation is specifically issued to you, ensure that you respond. For example, if a friend sends you an invitation card via email, ensure that you respond to say that you will or won’t be able to accept their invitation.

If you’re cordially invited to an event via a text message, always respond within 48 hours if it’s a friend or someone else you know.

However, sometimes businesses issue cordial invitations to special programs and they do so via digital channels. In that case, you won’t have to respond if you’re not taking up the offer.