How To Wish Good Luck In Poker

how to wish good luck in poker

How bad could it possibly be to wish people around the table good luck? Well, in the world of poker, players are known to be very superstitious. Poker is equally a game of skill, luck, and deceit. Saying “good luck” can come across as mocking your opponent, challenging fate, or alluding to the fact that … Read more

How To Wish Someone Good Luck Before A Performance

how to wish someone good luck before a performance

Whether someone is a dancer, singer, or another type of performer, they sometimes feel nervous before they hit the stage. The length of time that they have spent in previous performances doesn’t matter. The most important factor contributing to their nervousness is a desire to do their best. That’s why it’s important to choose the … Read more

How To Politely Ask A Personal Question

how to politely ask a personal question

There’s a time and a place for everything, from unimportant things like small talk to more delicate stuff like a personal question; you can try the former pretty much everywhere, while the latter depends more on the context you find yourself in. Asking personal questions requires you to warm up to the other person before … Read more

How Do You Ask Someone To Stop Singing?

How do you ask someone to stop singing?

Music is one of the best human inventions, so why would you want to ask anyone to stop singing ever? Unfortunately, we don’t live in a Disney movie and it’s not always appropriate to burst into a song just because. It would be awesome, though. Hopefully, you know by now when you should keep your … Read more

How To Politely Ask If Someone Is Pregnant

how to politely ask if someone is pregnant

Being pregnant is a joyful occasion, a beautiful moment in a woman’s life. On the contrary, there’s something awful that can happen to most women: being asked if they are pregnant when they are not – and whoever’s asking isn’t going to feel good about it either. So, how can you politely ask if someone … Read more

How Do I Ask My Photographer For Pictures?

How do I ask my photographer for pictures?

Professional pictures are an investment for your memories! You shouldn’t have to remind your photographer months later about them but that may happen. If they aren’t organized or they don’t take their role seriously, it can stress you out. There are several ways you can ask your photographer about the pictures they took for you. … Read more

How To Ask For Someone’s Address Politely

how to ask for someone's address politely

Don’t be shy when you need some information but understanding how to ask for someone’s address politely is important. This is personal information, and most don’t give it out to just anyone. Asking for such information should be done only when you really need it. Otherwise, they may not feel inclined to give it to … Read more

What Do You Say When Someone Arrives Safely

what do you say when someone arrives safely

It is always a good idea to follow up when they leave from an interaction with you. Knowing they are safely home or at their destination is important. So, what do you say when someone arrives safely? Thank them for letting you know that they have arrived safely follow up with a few kind words. … Read more

What Is The Best Reply For “Sorry”?

What is the best reply for sorry?

The best reply for sorry depends on the situation and your relationship with that person. If they continue to engage in behavior you don’t accept, the apology may mean nothing at all. In other situations, it isn’t a big deal, and you can reply: “No problem, I understand it happens”. Express how you feel and … Read more

How To Respond To Birthday Wishes On The Wrong Day

how to respond to birthday wishes on wrong day

Birthdays are great. Everyone takes a moment to wish you a happy birthday; some people might even send a present your way! The fact that they happen once a year makes them even more special. But what if someone wishes you a happy birthday on the wrong day? There’s no need to panic – and … Read more