When you receive a confirmation, it is best to reply to it so that the other party knows you received it. Electronic reminders are wonderful, but they don’t tell the whole story. They don’t tell the other party you got it or that you are confirming.

Understanding how to respond to confirmation can take the guesswork out of it and make it smoother for all involved.
A short note that you have read the message is sufficient in response to a confirmation. If you have any open questions, you can ask them right away. For example: “Thank you very much, I have received the appointment. Is there a dress code?”
When you have reservations for food or a hotel, you will often get a confirmation to respond to. They don’t want to have empty rooms or empty tables. They know plans change and like to follow up to ensure they can make money. It allows them to fill that space with someone else if you can’t make it.
Always respond to any type of confirmation from friends, businesses, or professionals as quickly as you can.
Follow Instructions
For your convenience, many confirmations often come with instructions. For example, they say do not reply to this email. They may have a button for you to click to confirm appointments. Simply press that button and all is done. They get that notice and they are aware you have seen it and got the reminder. There is nothing further you need to do.
Make sure you carefully read and follow those instructions though, otherwise, the system doesn’t work like it was intended. Different confirmations can have different instructions associated with them. Email confirmations are a great example of this.
Never assume they are the same, take a few moments to read the information before you do anything and it will ensure the process is completed successfully. Providing confirmation for your appointment is essential.
If you don’t intend to keep that confirmation, the instructions should give you a way to modify or cancel your plans. If you don’t follow the instructions, you could be charged fees based on the terms and conditions of the offer. This can be upsetting but such charges can be your responsibility if you don’t complete the cancellation and you don’t show up. Don’t ignore those confirmations!
Keep It Simple and Acknowledge You Got It
Some people are annoyed when they get a confirmation email. They don’t want the extra reminder or the extra messages to go through. Keep it simple and acknowledge receipt so you can move forward. There is a reason why such confirmation emails go out, not everyone is organized and writes things down. They forget or show up late, so such reminders are necessary for our society.
Avoid writing a long email body back when you respond to a confirmation email. Only ask questions or provide additional information if you need to or wish to convey a specific message. Otherwise, something to tell them you got it is all that is necessary.
Don’t overthink it! However, if they ask for any specific information make sure you provide it or that is a disappointment to them. For example, if they are confirming you are attending a dinner and ask about your meal choice make sure you select one before you send the information back.
Confirming phrase examples could be:
“Received, thank you for sending.”
“Thank you for the quick response, see you then.”
“Thanks for the reminder!”
“You can also send an emoji like a smiley face or thumbs up if you get the confirmation via text or messenger.”
Ask Questions
Sometimes, you get a confirmation for an event but you still have questions.
Perhaps the information you saw or an invitation didn’t have all the information you sought. This is a great time to ask those questions.
You want to have all the information before the event.
What to Say:
“Will lunch be served?”
“Is there a dress code?”
“What time do you anticipate the event ending?”
“Is it acceptable to bring children or is this an adult-only event?”
“Will a coat check be offered at the door?”
“Thank you for confirming receipt of my message. Just to double-check, could you please confirm that the company’s address is still [insert address here]?”
Notify of Any Changes
If there are any changes you need to share, the confirmation is a great time to do so. This gives them an update on what to expect.
There may be changes to your ability to go or there may be changes to how many you originally said were going early on.
What to Say:
“We are excited to attend, but there will be 2 of us instead of 4. Thank you!”
“We regret that we can no longer attend as we had intended. We hope you have a fantastic time!”
“While we will be arriving late due to another commitment, we look forward to being there!”
“We plan to attend but will have to leave early due to a conflict in our schedule.”
“We are looking forward to it, there will be 4 of us coming.”
Politely Decline
If you can’t attend the event, politely decline.
You don’t have to give a reason if you don’t wish to disclose that information. You can keep it vague.
You can give them the reason why you can’t be there if you desire to share that information. It depends on the situation and your relationship with them.
What to Say:
“We truly appreciate the invite but will have to decline at this time.“
“We are sorry we can’t be there but sending our love! Can’t wait to see the pictures!”
“We will not be able to attend.”
“We are disappointed we can’t fit this into our schedule.”
“Thank you for inviting us but we have to pass this time.”
Confirmation for a Project
Working with someone to complete a project on time is important. A confirmation of sharing the details of what you agreed upon is important. It puts them at ease and shares you are following through with what you agreed to do.
What to Say:
“Thank you for the information, as agreed I will have this done no later than the last day of the month. If I have any concerns along the way I will be sure to reach out.”
“I appreciate you reaching out, I am excited to work with you on this project.”
“I am eager to get started! Let me know if you have any questions or need any assistance.”
“I can’t wait to see how this looks when it is finished!”
“It was very thoughtful of you to send all of this for me.”
Need Some Time
There are times when an appointment confirmation comes with a need for additional information. It is best to let them know you got the request.
Reply with a response to share that you need more time to get what they require. If possible, offer a deadline for sending it too. Then they know when to expect it.
What to Say:
“I have received your email and will fulfill the request and send information no later than Friday at 5 pm.”
“I have received the information, please give me a few weeks to review it. I will follow up with you after I have had time to go through it. Thank you.”
“I am confirming I received this, I will check it out before our meeting on the 17th.”
“Can you give me a few weeks to get back to you on this?”
Professional Reply
If you need a professional email reply to confirm, it may be more detailed. It should thank them and also specifically state that you agree with what they shared with you. It can help you build a trustworthy relationship early on.
What to Say:
“Thank you for confirming my interview on Monday at 2 pm. I appreciate the information on parking and how to find the office in your building. I look forward to meeting with you!”
“I look forward to our meeting from 1 to 3 pm on Tuesday. I will bring the visuals we discussed to that meeting for you to take a look at.”
“Thank you for reaching out. I do plan to be there; I don’t have any questions at this time.”
“I am excited for us to talk, thank you for following up with me to confirm the date and time.”
“This project is going to be remarkable; I look forward to our phone call this week and our meeting the following week.”
If you are in a position to show gratitude for what someone has done or what is taking place, let them know in a response to the confirmation.
This tells them you appreciate what is taking place and are on board with it. The expression of gratitude goes a long way, and it also serves to share with them you got the information.
Leave a good impression by saying:
“I am extremely grateful for this opportunity, and I look forward to meeting with you and your team.”
“My deepest gratitude and thanks for this opportunity.”
“Thank you, none of this would be possible without your efforts and hard work.”
“I am very thankful for you and all you have done to move this forward.”
“I am excited to be a part of this venture and understand it would not be taking shape without your talent and dedication.”
“Thank you for confirming receipt of my email correspondence.”
“Great, I’ve received your email confirmation regarding the significant amount. Thank you for letting me know.”

Katie Holmes is a senior author at everyday-courtesy.com with over 15 years of experience in marketing and psychology. As a freelance consultant, she also supports companies and executives in overcoming communication challenges. Katie is a passionate digital nomad working on her first book on the art of communication.