It is hard to wait for information, and being too assertive can rub professionals the wrong way. You have to balance letting them know you are eager for information and you are being too pushy for it.

As a professional response to “I will let you know,” you can say thank you and emphasize that you look forward to hearing back. Don’t be afraid to ask for an estimated time frame; after all, you must organize your work.
Thank Them
Always thank other professionals for their time. Everyone is busy with a full schedule.
The fact that they carved out time to visit with you, to interview, you, or to listen to your pitch are all examples of times they won’t get back.
Be sincere with your thank you to them. It shares your passion and it is deemed proper professional etiquette.
What to Say:
“Thank you for taking the time to meet with me today. I look forward to hearing from you soon.”
“I appreciate the interview and I am very interested in this job. I hope I hear from you with an offer for the position.”
“I know you are busy so it means a great deal to me that you took the time to meet today. I will be waiting to hear back from you.“
Ask for a Timeframe
Don’t be shy to ask for a timeframe when you are told I will let you know by another professional. You don’t want to be in limbo until they make a final decision.
Typically, they will tell you they will be in touch in a few days or a week. Sometimes, they just say they will get back to you, and that is too open-ended.
What to Say:
“Can you provide a timeframe for when I should expect to hear back from you?”
“Can I anticipate a phone call from you by the end of next week?”
“Do you know how quickly you will be making final decisions?”
“Are you able to share when I might hear back from you? Do you have any deadlines in place?“
Inquire About How They Will Contact You
Likewise, the professional sharing they will get back to you should tell you how they will reach out. They should tell you they will call you or email you for example.
If they aren’t clear about that, ask them how they will contact you. Make sure they have accurate information to reach you too.
What to Say:
“How can I expect to hear from you? Do you have my current phone number and email?”
“Should I watch for an email from you or will you reach out in a different format?”
“Am I correct to assume you will call me when you have made a final decision?”
“Can you share the contact details you have for me? I want to make sure they are accurate so you can successfully contact me.”
Let Them Know You Look Forward to Hearing from Them
Show your passion for the subject, the job, or whatever the topic may be.
Let them see your passion and sell yourself up until the very end of the meeting.
This can make the difference between you getting what you want or them turning you down. Always let them know you look forward to hearing from them!
What to Say:
“This business is amazing, and I would love the chance to work here! I look forward to hearing from you. I do hope you will extend an employee opportunity to me and I can show you what I can do!”
“I can’t wait to hear back from you and talk more about the proposal. I realize there is plenty of information to review and evaluate. If you have any questions, please email me and I will be happy to provide additional details to assist you.”
“I eagerly await a reply from you.”
“I am interested in working with you, especially after our discussion today. Hopefully, when I hear back from you it is all positive and we have the chance to move forward with this.”
Follow Up If You Don’t Hear Back
It is frustrating when someone tells you they will get back to you in a professional capacity, but they don’t. Follow up with them if you don’t hear back by the deadline, they gave you.
If there is no deadline given, wait two weeks and then follow up with them. You aren’t out of line to do so.
In fact, when you take such an initiative it shares with them that you are proactive and you are very interested in what is on the table.
Perhaps they haven’t made a final decision yet, and the fact that you followed up stands out between you and others. If they have made a decision but have not responded to you yet, this can be the chance for them to share the good news with you.
If it turns out they are declining you at this time, they will remember how you were gracious and not afraid to reach out. That could work in your favor for future endeavors with them on a professional level so don’t feel intimated or let down.
What to Say:
“Hi, I am reaching out to follow up about the job we discussed two weeks ago. I haven’t heard anything; can you share if the position has been filled?“
“I hope this is a good time to reach you. I am curious about the discussion we had on April 10th. Are you still reviewing the information? Do you have any questions about the material?”
“Good afternoon can you share with me your decision about the project we discussed? I don’t mean to rush you but I need to follow up with a few things relating to it. Your input and knowing where you stand on the project are necessary for me to do so.”
“Can you kindly give me an update? No one has gotten back to me yet and I thought I would get a reply last Friday.”

Katie Holmes is a senior author at with over 15 years of experience in marketing and psychology. As a freelance consultant, she also supports companies and executives in overcoming communication challenges. Katie is a passionate digital nomad working on her first book on the art of communication.