It is wonderful when someone asks you how your celebration went. This shows they care about you and they remembered you had something special taking place. Such individuals shouldn’t be taken for granted.

When asked, “How was your party?” respond succinctly with, “It was wonderful, thank you for asking,” if it’s colleagues. You can tell friends or family about the celebration in more detail.
Short and Simple
You may not have the time or the desire to share all the details of your celebration with someone that asks about it.
Keep it short and simple, but be sincere with your reply. You don’t want them to feel like they have overstepped by asking you about it.
What to Say:
“Thank you for remembering, it was lots of fun.”
“I had a great time; the memories will always remain. I appreciate you asking about it.”
“It was nice to see so many people I hadn’t talked to for quite some time. I am going to work harder on staying in touch. It was a nice birthday and I am glad it took place.”
“It was wonderful, I will never forget it!”
“I enjoyed myself!”
Tell Them About a Special Moment
If you would like to share something special about the celebration, talk to them about a treasured moment.
Give them the details of what happened and why it meant so much to you. They will love that you shared something so special with them!
It is a great way for you to relive that memory too!
What to Say:
“The best part of the party was the slide show our children put together. They did a great job going through the years of our lives and capturing them. It is hard to believe so many years have gone by. It was a beautiful trip down memory lane with our loved ones to share it with us.”
“My son asked me to dance when they played my favorite song. It was a gesture from him I will always remember. The song ended way too quickly, but I will forever think of us dancing together any time that song is playing from now on.”
“It was perfect, and my parents were so thrilled with the event held for them. I worked hard with my siblings to give them a wonderful evening and it couldn’t have been better.”
“I felt like a princess walking in wearing that blue dress and with my hair done. Thank you for helping me pick out a dress that I would feel confident in.”
“The evening went by so quickly, but I do remember some of the conversations I had with amazing people. I am thankful they showed up to spend time with us.”
For those you know well, it can be the perfect scenario to schedule a time to visit with them. Tell them you would love to talk and show them photos of your celebration.
Make sure you carve out enough time for them to share what is going on in their life and share their latest photos with you too. It shouldn’t be a one-way conversation.
What to Say:
“The celebration was beyond what I imagined. Do you have time to get coffee next week? I would love to catch up with you and show you my pictures.”
“Let’s do dinner this weekend so I can share it all with you! There is simply too much to tell you right now.”
“Do you want to come over Friday and I can show you all the pictures I took? I will cook dinner for us too and we can relax and visit. It has been far too long since we had a chance to hang out with each other.”
Encourage Them to Come Next Time
Perhaps they were invited but couldn’t make it. Maybe the celebration didn’t include them, but they are still asking you about it.
This can be a prime time to encourage them to be part of it the next time you have something going on.
What to Say:
“The celebration was elaborate and unforgettable. I really wish you could have been there, but understand you had another commitment. Hopefully you can make it next time, it will be better with you there!”
“It was lots of fun, and we are planning a much larger event this summer. I will let you know the date and location as soon as we have it finalized. We definitely want you to celebrate with us!”
“Sorry you couldn’t make it, but there will definitely be future events like this one.”
Keep It Positive
Don’t be negative, even if the event wasn’t perfect. Hopefully, there are enough positive things to reflect upon that you can keep it upbeat.
They shouldn’t regret asking you about the celebration. Don’t complain, end the conversation on a positive note!
What to Say:
“It was fun, not everything went according to plans but it will help me plan better next year.”
“I saw so many people smiling, it was great to see them having a blast.”
“We had a good turnout and everyone seemed to have fun being there.”
Thank Them for Asking
Life gets busy and people have their own events to be concerned with.
Take the time to thank someone for asking you about yours. It shows they care and they remember you were excited about the celebration.
What to Say:
“It means a lot to me that you asked about it. I know I talked about it many times in the last month, I was too excited not to!”
“Thank you, I appreciate you asking and remembering how much this event meant to me.”
“You are always so kind and thoughtful, the fact that you are asking me about it shows that through and through.”
“You are a great friend, and you always remember what is important to me. That doesn’t go unnoticed or unappreciated.”
“It means the world to me that you always ask about my life!”

Sophie Hammond is a journalist, psychologist, and freelance speechwriter for people in politics and business. She lives on the edge of the Rocky Mountains with her dog and a lifetime supply of books. When she’s not writing, she can be found wandering through nature or journaling at a coffee shop.