If you’re considering asking a girl out, you should do it the right way – appear cool and well collected. What if you got the lines well, and she says YES? What next?

For some guys, this can be a nerve-wracking experience. But again, you can’t leave her hanging after she gives the correct response. This is an opportunity to get acquainted with each other.
Be honest and emphasize that you are happy about their acceptance. Then ask if a specific day is suitable, and ideally, you will already have a suggestion for the location of the date, which will result from previous conversations.
You have no idea how happy I am
One way is to express your happiness and confirm that you looked forward to it. But not in a way she thinks you’re desperate. You must keep it cool.
Maybe you’ve been pondering what she will do after you ask her out. Perhaps you were afraid she would laugh at you or reject your offer.
Stay confident and assure her that she made the right decision. Remember, she accepted a date, not a relationship.
And that’s why you should tell her how happy you’re for giving you a chance. Do you get the picture?
Ask her anything she would love to do
You can say something like:
“Will you join me for a concert next weekend?”
Never ask something like: “What would like us to do?” The idea is to stay true to your personality. You may not get the best chance to talk, but it’s an opportunity to see what she likes. If she loves movies, don’t hesitate to take her there.
It’s up to you to show her how considerate you are for asking about a specific kind of activity.
You never know- she could be eying that swanky restaurant or those exhibits in the park. Avoid being too basic. For instance, you can take her to an outdoor cinema instead of the regular cinema.
If she’s super into you, she could invite you for a date. You’ll gain an upper hand if you make the first move. Don’t forget to appreciate the girl for her personality, looks, and intelligence.
Do you have any plans for the day?
This question makes her feel like you’re super eager to see her. And there’s always a chance she might be free later and get started.
Always take the lead role and ask her the places she would love to go for a date.
Here is the catch – always make sure the first venue for the date is perfect. Her safety matters, so you should avoid going to the woods. You can suggest something like a music lobby or a pleasant bistro with a view.
Choose a location where both of you can feel comfortable. A crowded place where people yell all over may not be an ideal setting. A special spot allows you to add some romance. Not to mention, it makes her understand that it was not a spur of an event she will later regret.
Put her at ease and let her know that you want to get to know her more. This is something she wants to see, considering that she had a fair share of guys.
No joking or kidding thing
If you’re not ready to go out after she has said yes, never use the words like “just kidding”. Even if you’re granted you won’t be going on a date soon, avoid eluding such words.
Of course, you don’t want to be welcomed with outrage or brutality. Be clear whether or not you’re ready to take her out.
The approach
A general rule of thumb is avoiding being funny or trying to impress her. Bending over a woman trying to impress her can make her think you’re trying too hard.
Women will always feel attracted to men who feel confident. You can take a few breaths and say something that can compliment her.
The big day
Before the big day arrives, you can do some detective work to surprise her with a perfect date. Then, keep her eyes on her every time she speaks. Be attentive to details – only smile or nod in the appropriate places.
The first impressions matter a lot, so you don’t want to spoil the opportunity. A few follow-ups questions will show her how thoughtful you are.
Keep it in your pants
There’s nothing quite frustrating than taking a woman on a date only to make it appear like a trap to sleep with her. You should avoid this on the first date – and afterward, of course!
You both have different comfort zones, so don’t push the issue until she gets ready.
Post date
Nothing feels better than the first date. Maybe you came in with the jitters, or there was a special spark. Well, that feeling could just be the beginning of something great. If a woman loves the first date, she will be happy to hear from you. And there’s no best time to call or text. Your confidence matters so keep it calm and cool.
Before you get too excited, you should take time to evaluate how everything went. As you plan for the second date, use a few tactics to let your woman know you’re ready for more.
Generally, there’re no rules on who should call or text first. If you love your date, don’t waste time checking your phone. You can write a text and let them know you’re willing to see them again.
To make her feel you enjoyed the moment, you can say something they said on the first date. This shows that your listening skills match their personality.
And depending on the conversation you had, you can quote a recommendation they gave. This could be a good strategy to initiate the next conversation.
How about leaving the next ball in their court? Now that you sent the first text, you don’t have to bombard them with your messages. Just spread light-hearted humor to make their day. Things will get easier as the relationship progresses.
How to set up a definite date
Setting up the first date is a straightforward process. However, there are a few steps to follow to ensure you have the perfect evening with the girl of your dreams.
Be sure she wants to go with you
Although you’ll have an upper hand when you ask a girl out, she can do it for you as well. If she does the initial work, let her give you the hints. But if you can’t pick them, the whole process could be futile. Her body language speaks a lot.
The date must align with her schedule
How tight is her schedule? Avoid being vague as this could end up with a no. Instead, ask something like:
“How busy are you this Tuesday afternoon?”
“Are you free this weekend?”
“Are you available on Saturday afternoon?
If it matches your schedule, that would be great. If it doesn’t, ask her to postpone to a later date.
A woman who likes you will always find something that suits her schedule.
The relationship gets much easier if both of you can find something to work with. If she leaves everything open-ended, she could just not be into it. The best way is to backpedal.
However, there are a few things to keep in mind. You should avoid being too hasty. For example, if she says she’s studying for her exams, you shouldn’t be considerate. Other times, she may influence other female friends.
If she’s shy, make her feel comfortable but don’t do it so hard that she ends up feeling creepy. If she’s just playing with your heart, then wait for your perfect match.
Make sure the idea is right
If she confirms the time, you should have the date idea ready. Do you want to hit a new bar downtown, go to a museum, or attend a food festival? You’ll be a step ahead if you choose something she had highlighted in her conversation.
Confirm she’s ready to go
The girl may be ready to go on Saturday, but that doesn’t mean she’s ready to go. If she’s humming or hawing, she may not be ready for a date. If she cannot commit to seeing you, chances are that she’s not willing to hang out.
You never know- the girl may not be interested in knowing you. Just to be sure, you can say something like I will pick you up at 7 pm. Does that sound okay? If she agrees, be punctual on the actual date.
Final thoughts
Understandably, you could be apprehensive about asking someone for a date. If there’s a rejection, you may feel uncomfortable or weird. There’s even more pressure on the words to use. But when she finally says YES, things get easier.
Whether you’re planning an elaborate or a low-key event, you should make sure your intentions are clear. The less awkward you feel, the higher the chances of a successful date.
The idea is to make your woman realize that the feelings require some level of vulnerability. Be sure to follow this guide and put your best foot forward to make your date a worthwhile experience.
Tip: If you have ever thought about asking your counterpart for a photo in online dating, this survey about asking for a full-body photo is certainly interesting for you.

Sophie Hammond is a journalist, psychologist, and freelance speechwriter for people in politics and business. She lives on the edge of the Rocky Mountains with her dog and a lifetime supply of books. When she’s not writing, she can be found wandering through nature or journaling at a coffee shop.