People often close conversations with good wishes for the other person. They may even extend their good wishes to the individual’s family or coworkers.

This is typical during face-to-face conversations. It also takes place during conversations on the phone or via text. But how do you respond to “have a nice day”?
When you reply to “Have a nice day,” say thank you and wish the other person at least the same with the person’s name if possible. For example: “Thank you, Jon, have a nice day too!”
The Quickest Response
The quickest way to respond to “have a nice day” is to wish the same for the other person. You can do this by saying:
“You too.”
“You too, Jay.”
“You too, Kerry.’
This type of quick response is best in situations where both of you are rushing.
For example, if you’re jogging past a friend, this is the ideal way to respond if they greet you quickly. This act of kindness can help you to have a happier day. [1]
Wish Them the Same
Every human being has their struggles. They have their own problems to contend with. The person who just wished you a good day is likely about to face the stress of their own.
You can wish them a good day in the same spirit. If possible, you should also turn and face the person completely while you’re returning their greeting, since this helps to build trust.
It lets them know that you’re also thinking well of them. Whatever they’re about to face during their day, they receive a little boost from your show of support.
You could say:
“Same to you Ted.”
“I wish the same for you, Margo.”
“I hope your day is good as well Taraji.”
It’s common to pair your good wishes for the other person with an appreciation for their show of support. You can thank them for their blessing and bless them in return by saying:
“Thanks, Gail, and same to you.”
“Thank you, Rosa. I wish you the same.”
“Thanks, Karen. I wish you a good rest of the day.“
“Thanks, Kim, and I hope everything goes well for you today.”
When you tell a person that you hope they have a good day or you hope that they enjoy their day, the intention is the same.
Similarly, you can reply to them using the same words that they used with you.
However, you can adjust it slightly by saying:
“Have a good day too.”
“Have a great day.”
“I hope you have a nice day as well.”
Add Physical Affection
When you wish someone else a good day, you’re showing that you care about them to some extent. Even if you wish a business partner or a client a good day, you’re saying that you want everything to go well for them. You’re expressing care for them as another human being.
When you wish friends or family members a good day, you might not stop at words.
You may also accompany your good wishes with a physical gesture of affection. For example, you might hug the person to reinforce what you’re saying. [2]
This could be any type of hug that you’re comfortable with. For example, a brief hug might be appropriate when you see a friend at the train station. However, if you’re wishing someone goodbye and aren’t likely to see them for a while, you might give them a long hug.
Similarly, romantic partners might accompany their good wishes with a kiss. A handshake might be appropriate for a business partner. You could also bump elbows to reinforce your good wishes as you part company.
Thank Them and Add a Specific Blessing
It’s common to immediately express thanks whenever someone wishes you a good day and then follow that with another statement.
Even if you weren’t in a conversation with them and they greet you in this new way in passing, it’s important to say thank you.
You could say:
“Thanks, Paula.”
“I appreciate that Jim. Thank you.”
“Thanks for your good wishes, Mary.”
The other person doesn’t have a lot of power to change your day. However, by wishing you a good day, they’re doing what they can to bring cheer to that moment. You’re thanking them for giving to you in that way.
After that, you can add another statement, such as:
“I hope everything goes well with your presentation.”
“I hope your meeting is successful.”
“I hope your trip goes well.”
This is a good option in situations where the both of you are just discussing something that will take place later on in the day. For example, if a friend mentions that they’ll be taking a long trip during the day, you can specifically wish them a good journey.
If you have information about something that’s weighing on the other person’s mind, it’s helpful to address it with your good wishes. Doing so is better than just a generic have a good day.
Let them know that your thoughts are with them and you support them in overcoming the challenge that they’re going to face on that day.
Nonverbal Responses
Nonverbal responses are ideal in situations where you can’t speak or don’t want to speak.
For example, if someone shouts, “have a nice day” to you from a distance you might not want to shout back. However, at that distance, it’s appropriate to wave in return.
Similarly, in a restaurant and other places of business, it’s common for members of staff to wish customers a good day as they leave. It’s perfectly appropriate to wish them a good day in return. Similarly, it’s also okay the simply make eye contact and smile back at them.
This may be better for you if you’re pushing a loaded trolley through the door while supervising your children. it’s also more appropriate in situations where you’re distracted and the idea of giving a verbal response might feel overwhelming.
A smile and nod or either of these two can also be used in many other situations. For example, if you’re walking by strangers on the street and you prefer not to respond verbally but you still want to be polite, you could just nod or smile in response.
Start a Conversation with Them
When someone says have a nice day, it can be a time for you to start a conversation with them. It may be someone new at work. It could be someone you see often in a casual setting.
Talk to them about what you have planned for your day. Ask them what they plan to do that day too. It can be a great way to get a back-and-forth dialogue going.
If you don’t know the person well, keep information about plans vague and friendly. Don’t provide all the details of where you plan to be or when.
What to Say:
“My day is going to be wonderful, thank you. I plan to spend time with my grandkids at the park. How are you spending your afternoon?”
“I will, thanks. It is my day off and I have some plans with friends and to take my dog for a walk later on. Hopefully, you have some good things for your day too.”
“I love your positive energy, how is your day going? Is anything special planned for later? I know I get excited when I have plans I look forward to later in the day.”
“I am going to make it the best day I can! I hope you will today also.”
“I try not to take the good things, even the ordinary things, for granted. There is always something to be grateful for today and every day. Thank you for your kindness and I hope you have several things to be thankful for in your life.”
Let Them Know You Appreciate Their Mindset
People who encourage others to be positive are a gift, and they should be recognized for those efforts. Often, the world hasn’t always been kind to them. Instead of being bitter about it, they strive to give back to others.
When someone says have a nice day ahead, let them know you appreciate their mindset. Good vibes can spread quickly so the more everyone reaches out like this the better!
What to Say:
“Thank you, I enjoy your mindset and the way you always have something nice and thoughtful to say to me. It helps me remember to do what I can to have a great day no matter what is going on around me.”
“I hope you know what an inspiration you are to me and to others due to the positive energy you bring to the office. We all look forward to talking with you because of it.”
“You do your part to take others under your wing, and it isn’t unnoticed. I like talking to you because you always see the silver lining in anything.”
“I wish more people were like you, focusing on the positive and being encouraging. There aren’t enough good people like you out there and that needs to change.”
“You inspire me to be positive in what I do, but also to share those thoughts and encourage others. I like to pay it forward, and that is all because of you.”
Extend an Invitation
Surrounding yourself with positive people is important. Negative energy can spread like poison in a hurry. Do all you can to avoid those people and instead, be around those that are positive. Their energy will help you feel better about yourself and to make the most of every day.
Why not extend an invitation to someone telling you to have a nice day ahead? Spending more time with them can be a great outcome.
What to Say:
“Thank you, I was wondering if you would like to have lunch with me sometime? We always seem to be passing each other here in the office. It would be nice to find out more about you and what you do.”
“Some of us are getting together Friday after work, would you like to join us for drinks and appetizers?”
“I am inviting some ladies over on Saturday for a luncheon and time to relax in my garden. Would you like to come?“
“There is an inspirational speaker at the end of the month downtown. I am interested in going, is that something you would be interested in?”
“Several of us parents take our children to the playground on the weekends when it is nice. You should bring your kids and come hang out sometime. It is an open invitation. It would give us a chance to visit more and the kids to make new friends.”

Sophie Hammond is a journalist, psychologist, and freelance speechwriter for people in politics and business. She lives on the edge of the Rocky Mountains with her dog and a lifetime supply of books. When she’s not writing, she can be found wandering through nature or journaling at a coffee shop.