How you respond to “Hope You Had a Good Weekend” depends on your relationship with the person talking to you. If it is a friend or family member, you may be more inclined to have a full conversation with them and disclose what you did over the weekend.

If it is someone you know at work or just met, you may decide to keep your reply short and keep your weekend scenario to yourself.
“Thank you, I had a nice weekend” is a good answer to the question “Hope You Had a Good Weekend” with which you are always right. You can leave it there or start a conversation by asking the other person how their weekend went.
Regardless of how much or how little you choose to disclose to them, your reply should be friendly and upbeat. They are taking the initiative to talk to you and to be positive, and your reply should reciprocate that to them.
Say Thank You
A simple answer that is also effective is to say thank you and go about your day. You may not have the time for more than that in passing. You may not know the person well enough to chat beyond that, and there is nothing wrong with that.
A short, simple reply can be all it takes for you to let them know you appreciate their comment.
What to Say:
“Thank you, I had a great weekend.”
“Thanks, it was a chance to relax and I am grateful for that.”
“Thank you, I appreciate that.”
“That is very thoughtful of you, it was a nice weekend.”
“Yes, the weekend always goes by too fast though.”
Tell Them You Did
If you wish to elaborate, you can tell them some positive things about your weekend. You can keep it short and not disclose too many details if you like, but this is a more personal response that can help to keep your relationship moving forward.
What to Say:
“It went by quickly, but I was glad to get some quality time with the family.”
“I enjoyed it; the weather was perfect for being outdoors.”
“I had a nice weekend and got to spend some time catching up with my best friend.”
“I was able to get plenty off my to-do list over the weekend, glad those chores are done!”
“After a long week at work, it was nice to relax over the weekend. I feel rejuvenated and ready to tackle work tasks again.”
Same to Them
Reciprocating the wish for a good weekend back to them is a good way to respond. You can choose to only do that or to also talk about your weekend.
It all depends on how much time you have to talk and your relationship with them. You are in control over the progression of the conversation and where you want it to go.
What to Say:
“I had a wonderful weekend, and I hope you did too.”
“My weekend was fantastic, thank you for asking. How was yours?”
“That is nice of you, and I hope your weekend was fun too.”
“The weekend was great, how was yours?”
“It was a great weekend but ended before I knew it. Did you also have a good weekend?”
Try to Avoid the Negative Replies
When we focus on the positive, we see better options. When we are negative in thoughts and behaviors, it is harder to see the silver lining. While your initial reply may be to complain about your weekend, try to avoid doing so.
Think of something positive about it that you can share. Focus on that rather than the negative elements.
That type of mindset will help you be more productive and happier. It also makes others inclined to listen to what you share with them.
What to Say:
“I didn’t get as much accomplished as I had hoped, but I feel good about what I got done!”
“It was over in a whirl, but it was nice to have the time to do something fun and not worry about work.”
“It was a busy weekend, but we are thankful our family has so many opportunities to be involved with.”
“We had to focus on household chores, but it is nice to come home to a clean and comfortable place at the end of the day.”
“It was ordinary, but it is nice to just have time to relax and not have to rush here and there.”
You may be excited about something that happened over the weekend! There is nothing wrong with sharing that information with someone who says they hope you had a nice weekend.
They may be excited for you once they hear the good news. You can share as little or as much about the details as you like.
What to Say:
“We had a baby shower for my daughter, I am so excited to become a grandma!”
“We worked on wedding plans for my son. There is so much to do but the details will all be worth it when the big day arrives.”
“I got to go to a concert I had tickets to for a long time. The show was great!”
“My husband and I enjoyed a nice dinner out at the new restaurant downtown. It was good, I highly recommend it.”
“We picked out the colors to paint our house inside. I am eager to see how the new colors in the room liven it up and change the current appearance.”
Ask Them What They Did Over the Weekend
To help forge a stronger relationship with someone, ask what they did over the weekend too. Don’t make it all about you.
It is fine to share what you wish, but make sure you leave time to ask them what they did t the end of the conversation They will enjoy being able to share that with you.
What to Say:
“I hope your weekend was good too, what did you spend your time with?”
“Did you have a wonderful weekend also?”
“Now that you know about my weekend, tell me about yours!”
“Did you have fun this weekend? Does anything special take place?”
“How did you spend your weekend? I hope it was relaxing and enjoyable.”

Sophie Hammond is a journalist, psychologist, and freelance speechwriter for people in politics and business. She lives on the edge of the Rocky Mountains with her dog and a lifetime supply of books. When she’s not writing, she can be found wandering through nature or journaling at a coffee shop.