Whether you’re applying for a job, planning a meeting with an existing client, or making arrangements to meet with a friend, you might want to let the other person know that any time that’s convenient for them would be good for you.

Tell the other person directly that you can flexibly adjust your schedule to fit theirs or mention possible time slots. For example, “I can facilitate any time for our meeting Monday through Friday between 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.”
Discuss Your Flexibility Immediately
Whether you’re asking to meet with a prospective employer for an interview or you wish to arrange a meeting with an existing client, it’s important to let the person know that you’re flexible. Do so as soon as you can. This prompts them to start thinking of options that are suitable for them.
Giving clients and prospective employers freedom of choice makes them more comfortable with you.
Your flexibility helps them to improve their work-life balance and become more productive. [1]
With productivity in mind, your invitation to meet with them at a time that’s a good match for the other person’s schedule could be phrased in the following ways:
“What time would allow you to focus on the presentation? I know you have a hectic day and my schedule is flexible.”
“When would you be less likely to be busy? I can work around your schedule.”
“Is the morning or afternoon better for you? I can fit into your schedule.”
Let Them Know That Their Own Schedule Is a Priority
There may be times when you have a client who has a tough schedule and you can adjust your schedule to fit their needs. Putting your client’s needs first is essential if you’re thinking of offering good customer service. It shows them that you’re concerned about their needs, not just about making a profit as you do business with them. [2]
Responsiveness is key if you want to show your kindness and that you’re interested in their success. In this case, you want to make it clear to them that you can adjust to their timing.
You could use any of the following statements:
“I can arrange my schedule around yours.”
“I can meet with you at any time. Just tell me when.”
“I can arrange my own schedule took it yours.”
“I can plan around your schedule.”
“My team can complete the project at any time that’s convenient to you.”
Explain That You Can Adjust for Multiple Changes
At times you may have a client who may need to make changes to the date of the scheduled meeting. This may happen frequently. However, it may not be a problem for you.
The way that you respond to a client’s request for a schedule change can tell them a lot about you. You might be disappointed but you should still have a positive attitude.
Take the initiative in explaining to your client that changes aren’t a problem for you. If you want to be proactive or deal with changes well, you could say:
“I can always rearrange my schedule to suit yours.”
“I appreciate you letting me know that you need to reschedule. We can meet at a new time that’s convenient to you.”
“If you need to make a change at any point just let me know. It’s my pleasure to meet you whenever it’s convenient for you.”
“I understand that you need to change the date of our next meeting. I’m always willing to rearrange my schedule to match your needs.”
“Rearranging my schedule is never a problem. Just let me know what suits you best.”
Ask Them for a Specific Time
A client may be so overwhelmed by the tasks that they have to complete, that they can’t immediately respond when you ask for a meeting.
You may need to prompt them by asking for a specific time of day and letting them know that you can adjust to fit that.
You could say:
“Let me know of a time that suits you and I will adjust my schedule for that.”
“Let me know what time is best for you. I can accommodate you at any time.”
“Is there a time that’s best for you? I can be available any time.”
Let Them Know You’re Available on Any Day of the Week
Sometimes when other people are unable to suggest a time that’s convenient for them, you can make progress by discussing their availability on various days of the week. For example, they may only be free on Saturdays or Sundays. They may seem to be hesitant because they don’t want to infringe on the time that you spend outside of work.
Consistently let them know that you’re available on any day of the week.
You could say:
“I can have meetings on any week day. Is there a particular day that works for you?”
“Is there a particular day that’s best for you? I can adjust to any day that suits you.”
“Whether you prefer to have meetings on Mondays through Fridays or on weekends, my team will be available. Let us know what is ideal for you.”
Suggest Different Ways of Meeting
In these rapidly-changing times, it can sometimes be difficult for you to meet with a client or even friends face to face. In this type of situation, it may be possible to achieve your goals by discussing them on the phone.
When you’re letting someone know that you have a flexible schedule, it’s also a good idea to let them know that you’re flexible in terms of different forms of how you meet.
You can suggest alternatives to a physical meeting that make it easier for you to talk with a client during a specific meeting time.
You could say:
“We can talk by using your company’s online chat whenever you’re free.”
“We can talk on the phone whenever you’re free.”
“Is there a particular virtual meeting tool that you prefer? We can have a virtual meeting when you’re free.”
Flexibility with Different Time Zones
If you frequently have meetings with clients who are in different time zones, you need to let them know that any time that’s convenient for them is also convenient for you. If this means that you have to be available for a meeting at 2 a.m. in your own country, make that clear to them.
The software makes it possible for you to have virtual meetings at any time seamlessly.
Whenever you’re planning such meetings it’s better to consistently refer to the time in terms of your client’s zone, so there’s no confusion.
You could say:
“We can stream the meeting at any time that’s convenient to you.”
“All of the attendees can be engaged at any time that’s convenient to you.”
“Although we’re in a different time zone, we can host the virtual event at any time that’s ideal for you.”
Flexibility with Advanced and Impromptu Dates
If it’s difficult for you to get a meeting date that’s within a few days or weeks, you should let the other party know that even a few months from now, you still be available to meet with them. However, you can encourage them to set a date that’s as close as possible to a favorable time.
You can also let them know that if a closer date opens up, you’ll be available. An impromptu meeting will not be a problem for you.
You could say:
“I am flexible with dates, so even scheduling an interview a month or more away is no problem.”
“I’m happy to arrange things to match your needs. If the best time to meet is a few weeks or months from now, my team can accommodate that.”
“I can work around your schedule. I can also meet earlier than you’ve initially suggested if an opportunity arises.”
“Meeting next week is fine for me. If an opportunity arises before then I’ll also be available.”
Meeting with Friends
If you’re meeting with friends, you can have a more relaxed approach.
For example, instead of saying “I can accommodate a meeting at any time”, the best response would be:
“I’m free whenever you are.”
“Let’s meet up whenever you’re free.”
“I’m free any time you’re free.”
Flexible Work Times
You may be available to work on specific days. You may also be flexible with the times at which you work on those days.
To state your boundaries while maintaining that you are flexible within those bounds, you could say:
“I’m available to work on Tuesdays through Saturdays. Any of those days would be good for me.”
“I’m available for work on Mondays through Fridays. As long as it’s within the work hours of 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. we can have a meeting during that time.”
“I can perform that task on any weekday, as long as it’s within the working hours of 3 p.m. to 11 p.m.”
You don’t have to Explain Personal Limitations
You’re never required to explain why you’re unable to work at a particular time.
However, you’re free to provide limited personal information if you wish.
You could say:
“I’m available at any time except between midnight and 3 a.m. when transportation isn’t available.”
“I can discuss this at any time that’s convenient to you. However, an interpreter will need to be available as well.”
“I’m available at any time to discuss the plans. However, since I use software for visually-impaired persons, I’ll need to receive the documents at least two hours ahead of the meeting.”
[2]: https://www.business.qld.gov.au/running-business/consumer-laws/customer-service/improving/principles

Katie Holmes is a senior author at everyday-courtesy.com with over 15 years of experience in marketing and psychology. As a freelance consultant, she also supports companies and executives in overcoming communication challenges. Katie is a passionate digital nomad working on her first book on the art of communication.