Always keep your replies professional when you receive any type of information. Get into the habit of thanking the other party for what they shared with you.

It can be a supervisor, a co-worker, or someone from a different company you are working with. In certain instances, it can also be a customer.
Avoid simply saying noted or I got it. Go beyond that for a professional tone others can appreciate. The goal is to ensure they know you are thrilled with the information they provided.
You never want them to think twice before they share something like that in the future with you.
What Is The Meaning Of ‘Noted’ In Professional Mail?
In professional email communication, the word “noted” is often used to acknowledge receipt of a message or to indicate that a particular request or action has been kindly noted.
In this context, “noted” essentially means “I have seen and understood your message.”
This simple but effective word is often used in the business world to politely and professionally acknowledge that the recipient has received the message and to show that their request or inquiry has been taken seriously.
While it may seem like a small detail, using “noted” in professional emails can help ensure that written communication is clear, concise, and effective, ultimately leading to better results in the workplace.
Thank Them for the Information
Be upbeat and positive in the work environment. Such behavior is contagious and it helps show your character in a manner others respect.
Thank those that give you information, and let them know you are going to remember what was shared.
Be sincere with your thank you, it should be specific to what they provided. It can be a new way of learning, a solution to save time, or a polite way to prevent mistakes. Share with them the value it brings to the relevant department and what you can personally gain from using it.
What to Say:
“Thank you, I will do that from this point forward.”
“Thank you so much for the information. Your method is faster and more efficient.”
“I appreciate you taking the time to show me how to do that correctly.”
“I see now where I was making mistakes. You are very kind to take time out of your day to show me how to do that.”
“I didn’t know that information, and I am glad you have given it to me.”
“Thank you so much, this is great to have the program now.”
Express Appreciation for How That Helped You
When others share their knowledge, it should be something you appreciate. Don’t take it for granted they will always be so helpful. There is plenty to learn in any work environment. It doesn’t matter if it is your first day or if you have worked there for years.
No one wants to feel used or taken for granted in the workplace. When you express appreciation to someone for helping you, it can rejuvenate them.
They will remember what they offer and why it is important. They will find some personal satisfaction in the knowledge they have and where they apply it. This feeling of self-worth is important in any job.
What to Say:
“I understand now and I appreciate your patience as you guided me through it.”
“No one has ever taken the time to show me how to do that before. I will put that information to good use.”
“I will always remember your kindness and your thoughtfulness to help me out.”
“Wow, I didn’t know that was possible with this system, you are amazing!”
“That is definitely information to write down and use again, thank you so much!”
“Few people take the time to help others, they are so wrapped up in their own projects. You are one of a kind.”
Good information should be documented so you can refer back to it again and again. It also makes sense to share it with others.
Let them know you will be adding that information and passing it along to others.
It is amazing how the treasure of information one person holds can flow over and reach so many others. They may not realize how much wealth they have to offer with that information until you talk to them and encourage them to keep sharing so everybody can continue to learn.
What to Say:
“Those details need to be in the training handbook. I will ask my supervisor to add them.”
“I know I will need that information again, and I am going to add it to my other important notes for easy reference.”
“I am going to take this information with me to our next unit meeting. I am confident there are many others in the department that will find it valuable too.”
“You should be recognized for all this great research and development you bring to the table. It makes the job so much easier for all of us.”
“I think I was making that more challenging than it really was. Now that you have explained it to me in a new way, I can successfully wrap my head around it.”
“I want to make sure any new hires get this information as soon as they start. I know it would have helped me a great deal when I was learning.”
The bottom line for any company is to have employees they trust to interact with customers/clients. A solid understanding of the most efficient methods to offer solutions is invaluable.
When someone shares information that will help you accomplish such a goal, make sure they know it!
Give some examples of when you could have used that information for customers/clients. It may surprise the person sharing information with you what an impact it would have had. They will be thrilled to learn of the benefits such details can carry out now.
What to Say:
“I will follow the instructions you provided; I think it will speed up resolutions for customer requests on that topic.”
“We often struggle to get refund amounts calculated, and that tool will eliminate the problem moving forward.”
“I think this will help me get my foot in the door with prospective clients. It will certainly grab their attention.”
“That has been a hurdle for us for a very long time. I am thrilled to have the details you shared and break down that barrier once and for all.”
“I wish I had this information years ago. I can’t imagine how much time and frustration it would have saved me along the way!”
“I can’t believe how long I have worked here and not known that!”
10 Other Ways to Say ‘Noted’ in Business Correspondence
In professional correspondence, it is essential to maintain an appropriate level of politeness and professionalism. The phrase “noted” is often used to acknowledge that a message has been dully noted.
However, repeated use of the same phrase can seem unimaginative and tedious. To avoid this, we’ve compiled a list of ten alternative ways to convey “taken note” in business correspondence professionally.
These include phrases such as:
- “Thank you for letting me know.”
- “I understand.”
- “I have taken note of this.”
- “I appreciate the update.”
- “Your message has been received.”
- “Acknowledged.”
- “Received with thanks.”
- “Duly noted and understood.”
- “I will take appropriate action.”
- “Thanks for the heads up.”
By using these substitute phrases, you can demonstrate your attention to detail and professional demeanor while maintaining a fresh and engaging tone in your communications.
Formal Synonyms for ‘Noted’
While the term “noted” may be common in casual conversation, it is not always appropriate in a formal setting. Fortunately, there are many formal synonyms that can be used instead.
Some of these include:
- “Acknowledged”
- “Confirmed”
- “Recognized”
- “Accepted”
- “Approved”
These terms not only convey a similar meaning to “noted,” but also have a more formal tone that is more appropriate for professional communication. Choosing the right synonym can help ensure that your message is clear and that you display a professional demeanor.
Informal Synonyms for ‘Noted’
The following examples include some informal synonyms for “noted”:
- “Got it”
- “Heard you”
- “I see”
- “Copy that”
- “Roger that”
While these terms may not be suitable for use in a professional environment, they can be useful in more casual conversations or when communicating with friends and family. It’s important to remember the appropriate context and audience when selecting the appropriate synonym for “noted.”

Katie Holmes is a senior author at with over 15 years of experience in marketing and psychology. As a freelance consultant, she also supports companies and executives in overcoming communication challenges. Katie is a passionate digital nomad working on her first book on the art of communication.