When someone asks you how your week is going so far, they are interested in what is going on with you. They are trying to create conversation at work, at an event, or in passing.

The answer to the question “How has your week been so far?” depends on your relationship with the person and whether you want to continue the conversation. Sometimes a simple answer such as, “All good, time flies.” will suffice. In other scenarios, it is a chance to talk and even extend an invitation.
Simple Replies
There are several simple replies you can offer that are friendly and acceptable.
You don’t have to feel put on the spot and you don’t have to share more than you want to with someone when they ask how your week is going.
What to Say:
“Good, it has been busy but I feel like so much has been accomplished.”
“It has flown by!”
“The warmer weather this week has put a smile on my face.”
“It has been great so far!”
“All good things going on this week, and even more to enjoy once the weekend arrives.”
If you feel comfortable sharing more details with someone about your week, do so!
Share something exciting that occurred. They can be excited for you too!
When a friend or family member asks how your week has been, you should feel inclined to do more than offer just a short, fast answer to them.
What to Say:
“It has been wonderful, I just found out I am going to be a grandma!”
“My week has been full of surprises, and one of them is a promotion at work.”
“It was awesome, the surprise party for my birthday was completely unexpected. I was delighted to see so many people there.”
“I am going to a concert on Friday, looking forward to seeing one of my favorite bands perform live.”
“Working overtime but the extra money is all going into my savings for a wonderful trip next year.”
Tell a Funny Story
When you have time to talk, tell a funny story. This keeps the conversation flowing and it gives you all a good laugh.
You can’t go wrong putting a smile on someone’s face. Keep the story short and lighthearted. Make sure you don’t say anything that could be controversial or offend anyone!
What to Say:
“The little ones keep me on my toes. I have to tell you what my son told us yesterday morning.”
“Funny story at the beginning of the week, and I keep chuckling when I think about it.”
“We got a puppy and it has been a tornado in the house, but we all love him already!”
“The work retreat was a great learning experience and we had some fun times there too.”
Ask How They Are Doing Too
When someone asks how your week has been so far, share what you desire with them about it. However, don’t forget to ask them how they are doing too.
Reciprocate sincerity too as you want them to feel that you are fully vested in listening to what they have to say to you.
What to Say:
“My week has been wonderful, how about yours?”
“Everything is going great. How have you been doing?“
“My schedule has been busy, but I am thankful there are so many opportunities. You look great, I hope all has been well with you also.”
“Balancing home, work, and fun can be a tough act sometimes but you have all that on your plate too. How is the family?”
Extend an Invite
A short conversation about your week can remind you that you haven’t spent much time with that person lately. This can be a wonderful opportunity to extend an invitation to them.
Try to pinpoint it as much as you can, don’t leave it vague or you will never get around to putting them on your schedule.
What to Say:
“My week has been very good, we haven’t had a chance to talk much lately. Are you busy Wednesday? I would love to meet for lunch and catch up on everything with you.”
“I have so much going on and eager to share it with you. Do you have time this weekend to come over for a BBQ? I can fill you in on the details and I want to find out what you have been up to lately as well.”
“Let’s get coffee Friday if you are available and I can share some details of my week with you. I think you will find some of it fascinating. I also have a few ideas I want to run by you for a work project.”
“How are you doing? We haven’t had any time to talk. Can I call you next week and we can visit for a bit? So many new things are going on and I am eager to catch up with you. We tend to just see each other in passing these days and I want to connect.”
Keep It Positive
When someone asks how your week is going, try to keep it on a positive note.
They don’t want to hear you complain about how much you work or the terrible weather. They don’t want to hear you complain you don’t have enough time in the day to get it all done or you don’t sleep enough.
Of course, you should be honest with your replies but there is always something to be grateful for, try to find that before you speak to them!
What to Say:
“This week has been so busy, but next week will slow down and I can relax a bit.”
“I have had an enjoyable week; I hope you have too.”
“There is so much to be thankful for, I am busy but it is all worth it.”
“My week has been wonderful, finalizing some plans for vacation at the end of the month.”
“My week has been really good, and seeing you today just made it even better.”

Sophie Hammond is a journalist, psychologist, and freelance speechwriter for people in politics and business. She lives on the edge of the Rocky Mountains with her dog and a lifetime supply of books. When she’s not writing, she can be found wandering through nature or journaling at a coffee shop.